Ordered a windshield -Must be getting old!

I use both. A fly screen ( I use it mostly while in my home town and non interstate riding) and a custom V-stream windshield (I use it if I'm expecting to do a lot of interstate riding). However I'm going to take the fly off and put the V-stream on for RAA this year..... little something different.

I didn't like the Triumph windshields..... looks to much like a Hardly.

I'm hurt Marland

I'm hurt Marland

You shouldn't be.... that's not a Triumph windshield. The ones I'm talking about are the summer screen and the taller one. Of course different strokes for different folks I guess. The part I dislike the most is the chrome brackets that hold the windshield in place. Like this.


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Mully that looks like the Roadster screen without the black trim around the edge. the summer screen is much shorter and not as wide.

Below is a picture of the Roadster screen without the black trim strip.

another shot of the Roadster screen from the side.

below is a picture of the Triumph summer screen again no black trim strip.

Here is a shot of the sports screen which is just a clear fly screen. I do not have a front shot. But you can see its the shape of a fly screen just clear lexan.
I just love my CeeBaileys para-sail. If I get a tail wind I can shut the engine off

I gotta get an updated photo. I haven't had the tors on for three years !
I ordered the +4" over size in dark gray tint. Just a few inches short of a para-sail.... lol I had a Roadste screen before, and measuring, I can still see over it fine at that height, I just think the tinted look will look good.
Well...I chickened out and put a summer screen on for the ride to MV . As I suspected...I hate it, but it does offer some protection for those long interstate miles...guess I finally had to admit I'm no longer bullet proof, but old? Phuck that...I refuse to get old...seasoned? Maybe...
I picked up the Roadster screen for my '08 while waiting to get my bike back. The sport screen was painted with the rest of the bike. At 35 mph, the Roadster screen is a bit obnoxious if you're 6'3", but at typical Texas highway speed, it's nice. I don't have to hold on quite so tight in a headwind.

While I'd like to do more leisurely small group twisty rides, most of my riding is 60-100 mile one-way trips to go visit all those people I didn't see very often before I got the bike.

thinking of getting a windshield for my o7 classic took trip to pheonix while back at 125mph into a slight head wind helmet wants to come off but i do want one that goes on /off quick