Oil leak from oil tank??

Hi ya Lupe ! Removing the oil tank is a bit of a challenge. My o-rings started leaking a couple of years ago, so I replaced them. You have to remove the throttle bodies which in your case means removing the intake plumbing :eek:. Oh wait, you are a plumber ;).
after riding 3 sisters and having a leak you might want to see a doctor. might be smart to change orings after each sister:D
by the way rub those orings with a light grease or oil when you install them and work them in easy so as not to tear them going in.
Lupe...once you've identified the orings let me know if you have any trouble finding them. I have a supplier here in town that can get just about any oring known to man...including ones made out of exotic materials
Last year my 09 developed a leak like this but further back on the block to the rear of the oil tank. I thought it was my head gasket. Turned out it was simply oil coming out of a weep hole for the plugs on top. The plug holes have weep holes to drain water out of there, my valve cover wasn't seated right, oil leaked out into the plug "dip", then out the weep hole. If you look along the head gasket you will see machined holes on your top end. There is one behind the oil tank too, could be your valve cover gasket around your front cylinder.
I had to replace the oil tank o rings at 65k, but it had been leaking slightly for 20k miles. I finally decided to replace them when a few oil drops on the garage floor turned into a puddle. Like Rocket Scientist said, its a bit of a PITA but not complex. Give yourself lots of time to do it and ride your other bikes in the meantime. That is what they are for, to ride when the Rocket is down.

I bought the O rings from bikebandit for about 5 bucks. The dealer will probably charge a few hundred to do the job.
Once you get the intake plumbing off you can loosen the clamps and lift the throttle bodies off and bungee cord them up out of the way without unhooking the throttle cables or fuel lines.
How about patience? Where can i find some?? i ran out long time ago!