Lupe its a great filter to replace the under the seat on and all the ducting. easy to change and maintain. its a little work to pull the ducting but hey you can pull it while you pulling the oil tank. As Fred said do not remove the throttle cables you can just hang the throttle bodies from the handle bars while your pulling the oil tank. It is also easier if you pull the fuel tank off first. Just throw some rags over the top of the engine while you unhooking the fuel line the only fuel you will lose is whats in the line. then mark the front vent hose for memory and do not forget to unhook the electrical to the tank, the two TPS sensors, stepper motor harnes and fuel injector wires you can take the whole fuel rail off with the throttle bodies. Once the you take the three hose clamps of the bottom of the throttle bodies you will be able to tilt it out to remove the air duct screws attached to the fuel rail (two of them) Take care to make sure you get the throttle bodies seat in the rubber manifolds when you go back together and use the proper torque setting on the fuel line to the tank. It is easier then it sounds. Any questions ask away!!!
Oh and do not forget to take the air temp sensorout of the plastic duct and remove the map sensor off the same duct.
this link will probably help you
Oh and pay Will Till no mind kind of like a peckor knat