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We use to play guess my weight, but now I’m afraid I might suffocate!

Benelli Sei beat it by about 5 years, admittedly with an engine initially derived from a Honda 500 four.
Oh HeL^. Cooked up some food on the barbecue last week. Come inside with some Ribs and asked where in the Hel% is the steaks i just cooked. Figure i was better off just keeping my mouth shut. Figured right. She is born and raised here in Oklahoma. Been married to her for 19 years plus. One hel& of a lady. By far better than the four that were before her. I'm 60 years old she is 65 years old. At a point in life your no longer looking for shape you start to look at the real world. Like do we tolerate each other ? Can we communicate daily in a rationale manner? Basically can you tolerate my shi% on a daily basis? Been working out so far ain't going to rock the boat.
Not sure but they seemed to stay in production for a long time and outlived the CBX. I’ve only ever seen one.