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Hope she don't get on here and check me out from time to time but God Dam% my wife has grown a bit. Not talking vertically either. She has living up to the Indian ways of growing outboard. At 65 years old the old girl is still the sweet heart of my dreams after four previous marriages but Dam%.

We use to play guess my weight, but now I’m afraid I might suffocate!
I agree, as much as I liked the valkyrie, I thought Honda did a terrible job on the rune. On Honda’s defense, some times the build things just because they can. Example the CBX 1000 great idea, to heavy, top heavy and handled terrible. Straight line bike, but they made the first 6 cylinder motorcycle.

Benelli Sei beat it by about 5 years, admittedly with an engine initially derived from a Honda 500 four.
Oh HeL^. Cooked up some food on the barbecue last week. Come inside with some Ribs and asked where in the Hel% is the steaks i just cooked. Figure i was better off just keeping my mouth shut. Figured right. She is born and raised here in Oklahoma. Been married to her for 19 years plus. One hel& of a lady. By far better than the four that were before her. I'm 60 years old she is 65 years old. At a point in life your no longer looking for shape you start to look at the real world. Like do we tolerate each other ? Can we communicate daily in a rationale manner? Basically can you tolerate my shi% on a daily basis? Been working out so far ain't going to rock the boat. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: