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I agree, as much as I liked the valkyrie, I thought Honda did a terrible job on the rune. On Honda’s defense, some times the build things just because they can. Example the CBX 1000 great idea, to heavy, top heavy and handled terrible. Straight line bike, but they made the first 6 cylinder motorcycle.
I have 2 Honda bikes in my garage now. an 80 CM400 & an 82 CB900. I find it hard not to have one or two old scoots to play with. I lean more towards Kawasaki most of the time but I do like the early CB bikes. I have had a 99 and a 2000 Valkyrie Interstate in which I loved. I kick myself often for selling either one. I never had a CBX1000 but love the looks. I did have a 1980 KZ1300 back in 92-94 because I tend to gravitate towards Kawasaki and it was a bike on my gotta have list. It was a blast to ride. Definitely a heavy bike and not as sexy as the CBX. I hated the square headlight but it would roast most big bikes of the time. I agree with what you said, just because you can build something, doesn't mean you should.
I spent many hours, 5 days a week for several years, riding many miles on a Harley. Spent almost as many hours st the dealer getting stuff fixed.
Fair disclosure - A couple of the years were during the AMF time period.
I also spent considerable time on the Kawasaki model. Better in all respects and easier to ride up & down stairs, but the hog was funner to ride and better handling in snow & ice due the lower CG.
Harley's are a great bike. I am only working on my third rebuild after 110,000 miles. Last engine lasted 25,000 miles but was a highly built S&S 124. Very high rev and missed a gear. My fault. This time going in with a 124 S&S but going to tone it down a bit. Back when i bought the Rocket we sold the Harley and it came back (long story) so after looking at all the new bikes and realizing am just to dam% old to be comfortable on something like the V4 figure and don't have any love for what the motorcycle industry is producing nowadays will just rebuild and customize the Fatboy.
I have 2 Honda bikes in my garage now. an 80 CM400 & an 82 CB900. I find it hard not to have one or two old scoots to play with. I lean more towards Kawasaki most of the time but I do like the early CB bikes. I have had a 99 and a 2000 Valkyrie Interstate in which I loved. I kick myself often for selling either one. I never had a CBX1000 but love the looks. I did have a 1980 KZ1300 back in 92-94 because I tend to gravitate towards Kawasaki and it was a bike on my gotta have list. It was a blast to ride. Definitely a heavy bike and not as sexy as the CBX. I hated the square headlight but it would roast most big bikes of the time. I agree with what you said, just because you can build something, doesn't mean you should.

I love the looks of all the late 70’s early 80’s Japanese super bikes!! But I lean towards the gs Suzuki’s 750 to 1100. Suzuki stole all the best of the Honda’s and Kawasaki designs and made them better.
The Suzuki in my opinion had the most reliable motors, not the fastest!
They had to build the best, because they were almost out of business because nobody bought the water buffalo that they sunk all their money into!!
Knowing the size on my Missus..I can imagine I'm not only one who might find that scenario a little daunting these days :eek::eek::eek:
Hope she don't get on here and check me out from time to time but God Dam% my wife has grown a bit. Not talking vertically either. She has living up to the Indian ways of growing outboard. At 65 years old the old girl is still the sweet heart of my dreams after four previous marriages but Dam%.
Hope she don't get on here and check me out from time to time but God Dam% my wife has grown a bit. Not talking vertically either. She has living up to the Indian ways of growing outboard. At 65 years old the old girl is still the sweet heart of my dreams after four previous marriages but Dam%.
I can remember when she was but a slip of a girl, just 8 stone. Unfortunately, these are long distant memories. Hey, that's the cards that life deals you...same person inside whatever!!:inlove:inlove