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My dealer says they will not be getting one in stock for the floor. They will get one only if it is ordered and paid for.

Whew saved me a **** load of dough.
I don't have a passenger setup on my Roadster and someone asked me where the lady sits.....I Said. ."At home!!"

I call mine the, 'hurray for me and heck with you' set up.

I spent many hours, 5 days a week for several years, riding many miles on a Harley. Spent almost as many hours st the dealer getting stuff fixed.
Fair disclosure - A couple of the years were during the AMF time period.
I also spent considerable time on the Kawasaki model. Better in all respects and easier to ride up & down stairs, but the hog was funner to ride and better handling in snow & ice due the lower CG.
Reminds me when Honda introduced the Valkyrie Rune. Unique and powerful, but not a touring bike.
The Rune was an awful motorcycle.

I agree, as much as I liked the valkyrie, I thought Honda did a terrible job on the rune. On Honda’s defense, some times the build things just because they can. Example the CBX 1000 great idea, to heavy, top heavy and handled terrible. Straight line bike, but they made the first 6 cylinder motorcycle.