Thanks guys!! i will be at the next RAA, i have been planning my vacation around RAA for a few years now, i am so used to it that it will be hard to see you guys having fun and me just looking thru pictures, i know you guys can handle it without me, Thanks @JoseyR3Wales for working so hard so the rest of the crew is well fed, save me some for next year:)
This is for Lupe.
Thanks guys!! i will be at the next RAA, i have been planning my vacation around RAA for a few years now, i am so used to it that it will be hard to see you guys having fun and me just looking thru pictures, i know you guys can handle it without me, Thanks @JoseyR3Wales for working so hard so the rest of the crew is well fed, save me some for next year:)

We'll be having fun at your expense for sure if you ain't here to defend yourself. I can make awesome chili releno too, just for the record. I cook any type food except...............uh, can't think of a style I don't prepare.