[Oct 16, 2015] RAA 10.75 or whatever (Maggie Valley, NC)

Sliding rock at the 137 mile mark is a good one at RAA ?? me and our great leader at the time Steve Cowherd bared nearly all and went sliding down it, will have to look for the video and post it.
To anyone interested in joining us Nurse Ratchet and I will be doing an Iron Butt up there. Leaving the Houston area in the wee hours of Thursday am to arrive Thursday evening. Headed up US 59 to I-20 and across to Atlanta

That looks like 37 to me. Should be a good weekend.
F___ Me !!! Being squeezed from both sides of that weekend from work -- someone said -- "dropping like flies" -- and "work sucks but it pays the bills"

Name-----Number of bikes -----Number in party
Steel------------- 1----------------------- 1
Preston-----------1------------------1 or 2
Stb & rainman,---2-----------------------2

Ski & Bags---------------2----------------2
R3Tex & Nurse Ratchet----2------------2
Rocket Scientist & TOW---1-------------2
tdragger-----------1 or 2------------1 or 2
Kid----------------1-------------------1 or 2
Tripps-------------1------------------------1 or 2
scot in exile-------2------------------------1 or 2

To anyone interested in joining us Nurse Ratchet and I will be doing an Iron Butt up there. Leaving the Houston area in the wee hours of Thursday am to arrive Thursday evening. Headed up US 59 to I-20 and across to Atlanta

The wife and I will be taking the extra day and getting there Thursday. We should be there earlier in the afternoon. @R3Tex What kind of adult beverage(s) would ya like me to have on hand for y'alls arrival?
The wife and I will be taking the extra day and getting there Thursday. We should be there earlier in the afternoon. @R3Tex What kind of adult beverage(s) would ya like me to have on hand for y'alls arrival?

I will have some fermented cactus juice in my sadde bag and the wife will probably have some vodka
Mrs Tripps got Friday and Monday off, so we are definitely coming, booked at Travelowe across street, but on a waiting list for a cancellation at HM
You may want to call Rob and Gabi and double check on a room. Some times they get busy and don't get a chance to call you back or they forget... It happens when you stay busy all the time.. I would wait till next week since they have Thunder in the Smokies this weekend