[Oct 16, 2015] RAA 10.75 or whatever (Maggie Valley, NC)

@R3Tex what time do you expect to hit Atlanta? We'll be coming up 65, then 85 into ATL. If we leave Thursday though it would be after work and I doubt we'd be that far before 6 pm? Planning on Friday morning for now, but if for some reason I'm off Thursday, we could leave sooner.
@R3Tex what time do you expect to hit Atlanta? We'll be coming up 65, then 85 into ATL. If we leave Thursday though it would be after work and I doubt we'd be that far before 6 pm? Planning on Friday morning for now, but if for some reason I'm off Thursday, we could leave sooner.

Not real sure...depends on when we actually get away from the house that morning. Sometimes our "early" starts don't actually end up being that early :banghead:
@R3Tex what time do you expect to hit Atlanta? We'll be coming up 65, then 85 into ATL. If we leave Thursday though it would be after work and I doubt we'd be that far before 6 pm? Planning on Friday morning for now, but if for some reason I'm off Thursday, we could leave sooner.

If you want to try and arrange something speak up. We are usually pretty relaxed when it is just me and my medical staff, but when I have somewhere to be...well...there was a tall black gentleman with a round hat that he was very fond of beating the rim of on the bridge of my nose that made me understand the importance of being on time. As long as we get to MV in time to meet the crew and ride Friday all will be well
Yah, I doubt I'll be able to keep up with him. 3 reasons: no carpenter for me :( there are speed limits here in the states :mad: and the wife will be towing her bike in the trailer :oops:
It'll all be good as long as we're there by Friday evening :thumbsup:
If I get off for Thursday (unlikely) or we can leave earlier in the afternoon Thursday, I'll let you know for sure. And I certainly understand the on-time principle (wide brimmed hats and angry controllers sticking it to you for miss slot times, both permanently embedded ;) )