i dont abuse my rocket but i do use what is available , i shift at around 5500 rpm. Taking it to redline seems pointless and the torque curve drops off anyway. The engine is fine , the gearbox is not, trumpet made a superb bike but have cut corners in the transmission department , i know ,,lets build a super torquey motor that leaves everything for dead , and while we are at it lets make the gears out of chocolate ! Now i like the rocket , but i do not like the baggage it comes with , my last rocket tranny blew at 10000 kms , the warranty covered it but it was MIA for 5 weeks , 21000 euro bike shouldnt be having these issues . My current rocket is doing the same thing , this time no warrantee , so i am feeling a bit of a mug for taking a risk a buying another one. Clutches , camshafts, bearings , i can accept all this as fair wear and tear and replace repair accordingly , TRUMPET knows about this issue but didnt do a recall , SHODDY wankers. They rightly reckon that only 10 percent of rocket riders use the bikes performance the other ninety like to cruise about , cheaper to ignore the minority , thats the reality of business i suppose , but as a customer they can stick there policy up their ass and i shall vote with my feet buy carrying myself and my wallet to manufacturers that make machines that can be used without fear of mechanical doom, I will never purchase a triumph again, apply this customer aptitude and thats a 10 percent sales loss , wake up triumph ! Shortlist as follows , GTR1400 , ZZR1400 , BMW K1300GT . It would seem that TC is offended buy my choice of words regarding the rocket, you say 126000kms I am pleased for you, i wish you many more miles. also dont be sentimental about my comments ,at the end of the day it is a sum of its parts , a lump of metal , it is devoid of feeling and emotion, the rocket is not offended when i call it a peice of ****. I however, have a full range of emotions , like being very ****ed off when it breaks during normal use , which means it was made and designed incorrectly and is unfit for purpose. Sorry Chaps , but i will be loosing weight shortly, about 360 odd kilos to be sure, im off to Oldenburg for a test ride on a BMW k1300GT , please dont be offended but Triumph dont deserve the success they have and one day their will fall on their ass, GET this , Ted Simon rode around the world in the 70s on a bonneville, the book is called Jupiters Travels, its a super read and i recommend it to you,,,,Ted is now 70 odd year old , he wanted to do the trip again and write a follow up , he spoke to Triumph asking if he could use a bonneville , The marketing hype would have been huge , Triuph turned him down ,
,, so he went to BMW and was given a GS1200 and full back up , The head office at hinckley is full of accountants and bean counters, Lizards and Goats. Teds new book , dreaming of jupiter , is a real success and more people are buying a GS than a Tiger. I have a financial reason to leave trumpet and also a moral one , i have pulled the pin and im throwing smoke