I just read this. Very sorry and sad, but as others have said, I'm glad that no one was hurt. I hope the insurance looks after you well.
WOW, really sorry for your loss of a prized possession after so much work, time and $ to get it going again. My parent's house and virtually all they owned went up in the Canberra 2013 Bushfire when 500 houses in the national capital's suburbs burnt down. It takes a long time to get over that but thankfully as many have no doubt said, it was great that your house and loved ones were not affected.
My parents were told to evacuate by police and drove off in just the clothes they were wearing forgetting to take the second car out of the garage. The mind plays strange tricks when under stress.

If your Jardines and Mitzi bits are salvageable, maybe you Lush head and internals may be too, at least for a basis for a rebuild. May be worth putting in a ridiculous bid for the bike wreck, I doubt they would refuse a $1 or 2 - tell them its a memento or potential custom drive way marker/letter box.

I started to remove some parts . I have the quick release brackets .jardine, side cover, rear fender, handlebar . I can only find one fly screen bracket I also have the forks clamps if the insurance let me keep the wreck I will also get the gas tank and the engine then I can see if the internals are still intacts
I just read this. Very sorry and sad, but as others have said, I'm glad that no one was hurt. I hope the insurance looks after you well.
I hope too but right now we have issue with the cost of rebuilding and what the insurance is willing to pay
way to much of this going on begging/asking all to check smoke alarms fire ext.

FYI, in the US most smoke detectors have a life of 10 years. They may work or they may not. I found this out when one of mine kept going off. Researching I found out about the 10 year life span. I am now replacing 8 hardwired smoke detectors. I would imagine the same is true for the rest of the civilized world, except for Russia, there they use real radioactive isotopes and they last longer. ;)

well my roadster captain time may be over this morning a fire broke out in my garage and EVERYTHING has burned car bike and all the bike stuff sad when I see the damage ... i won't be much on this forum anymore for a while IMG_2017.JPG IMG_2018.JPG
Oh, Patrick! So sorry to see those photos and hear your bad news. may your insurance company be generous!
I just read this. Very sorry and sad, but as others have said, I'm glad that no one was hurt. I hope the insurance looks after you well.

you know I wrote that I might just walk away from biking all together after all at 71 my riding days are in the dimming twilight then I find myself looking o the net at a roadster X used low mileage etc etc is it a virus or am I so silly as to go at it again
you know I wrote that I might just walk away from biking all together after all at 71 my riding days are in the dimming twilight then I find myself looking o the net at a roadster X used low mileage etc etc is it a virus or am I so silly as to go at it again

Make sure your lovely wife has four wheels first :D then go for it that nice new shiny bike will brighten up that dimming light.