Wow Patrick. Glad you and the wife are well. What a shocker to see this. I can't imagine how you feel after all the work you put into the shop and the bikes. I think the best thing is to rebuild and replace what you need. Please get another Rocket. Remember there are some great deals going on right now on NEW but sold as Demo Used Rockets. If you still want to come down for the March 18/19 Rally and Show I have extra bikes you can ride.
I may do that but on four wheels got to get another car for my wife as well
like you say I long and hard got the bike as I wanted it then poof!! I can.t stand to look at the charred remains my tool shed is gone as well and the garden shed attached to the side went poof as well so my wife gardening stuff seeds, hose rototiller etc all looks like my bike........ skeletons of metal ........ I think I can salvage two things the exhaust ( jardine) and the rear fender brackets from mittzy for the panniers. although I have to hurry up and find some tools first .
insurance will want the whole thing removed
well my roadster captain time may be over this morning a fire broke out in my garage and EVERYTHING has burned car bike and all the bike stuff sad when I see the damage ... i won't be much on this forum anymore for a while IMG_2017.JPG IMG_2018.JPG

WOW, really sorry for your loss of a prized possession after so much work, time and $ to get it going again. My parent's house and virtually all they owned went up in the Canberra 2013 Bushfire when 500 houses in the national capital's suburbs burnt down. It takes a long time to get over that but thankfully as many have no doubt said, it was great that your house and loved ones were not affected.
My parents were told to evacuate by police and drove off in just the clothes they were wearing forgetting to take the second car out of the garage. The mind plays strange tricks when under stress.

If your Jardines and Mitzi bits are salvageable, maybe you Lush head and internals may be too, at least for a basis for a rebuild. May be worth putting in a ridiculous bid for the bike wreck, I doubt they would refuse a $1 or 2 - tell them its a memento or potential custom drive way marker/letter box.
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I am very sorry for you , man ! It's difficult to find appropriate words in such circumstances and in an other language so i say you
in french " de tout coeur avec toi Patrick " . If you succed to do your trip in Europe you can go and stay by my house .
Good luck with your assurance .
Patrick, I am so glad to see you and your family are okay and you still have the house. What a close call. I am heartbroken looking at the bike though. Be well brother
I would be devastated!
No matter that no one was hurt and all that stuff.
I place only things that have much meaning to me between my legs.
That there puts my motor right up in company with my lovely wife!
Still feeling your pain, Patrick!
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I am very sorry for you , man ! It's difficult to find appropriate words in such circumstances and in an other language so i say you
in french " de tout coeur avec toi Patrick " . If you succed to do your trip in Europe you can go and stay by my house .
Good luck with your assurance .

et ou ce trouve cette maison avec gite et couvert?? vileneuve d"asc?
je ne pense pas trouver une roadster au prix ou j'ai achete la derniere 2013 $11 000 canadien une affaire de plus j'y ai mis pas mal d'amelioration le kit de neville lush le filtre a air les tuyaux d'echapement etc etc bref j'ai presque double le prix d'achat aussi je cherche mais pas trop.mais je cherche
way to much of this going on begging/asking all to check smoke alarms fire ext. heaters and everything else ex daughter in law my grandsons mom telling us the close call they had 2 mornings ago little chiwawa? dogs barking woke her up at 4 in the morning luckily she did not tell them to shut up and go back to sleep but opened her eyes noticed a glowing light off the wall got up to check it out heater fan motor shorted out had flames going across ceiling light lense on cieling melted across the hall wood trim already black looking like charcol no expert but i would imagine another 3 to 5 minutes that mobile home would have been gone with them in it please check out all youre defenses make sure they work
et ou ce trouve cette maison avec gite et couvert?? vileneuve d"asc?
je ne pense pas trouver une roadster au prix ou j'ai achete la derniere 2013 $11 000 canadien une affaire de plus j'y ai mis pas mal d'amelioration le kit de neville lush le filtre a air les tuyaux d'echapement etc etc bref j'ai presque double le prix d'achat aussi je cherche mais pas trop.mais je cherche