WOW, really sorry for your loss of a prized possession after so much work, time and $ to get it going again. My parent's house and virtually all they owned went up in the Canberra 2013 Bushfire when 500 houses in the national capital's suburbs burnt down. It takes a long time to get over that but thankfully as many have no doubt said, it was great that your house and loved ones were not affected.
My parents were told to evacuate by police and drove off in just the clothes they were wearing forgetting to take the second car out of the garage. The mind plays strange tricks when under stress.
If your Jardines and Mitzi bits are salvageable, maybe you Lush head and internals may be too, at least for a basis for a rebuild. May be worth putting in a ridiculous bid for the bike wreck, I doubt they would refuse a $1 or 2 - tell them its a memento or potential custom drive way marker/letter box.