No Sweep of Gauges R3Touring?


.060 Over
Nov 1, 2010
Hindmarsh Tiers, SA
2012 R3T, 2014 R3R
Unlike my Roadster, I have just noticed that my R3Touring speedometer don’t sweep when I turn on the ignition... I can’t remember if it ever did, it makes all the same noises as my Roadster, the fuel gauge and lights are working fine and the bike runs great... the battery and terminals are good.
I would like hear from other Touring owners as to whether their gauge sweeps on ignition.

Cheers, Dean
Nah mate... kill switch on, bike powers up, no sweep, bike starts up and runs great... have you noticed that your Touring sweeps on turn of key?
Nah mate... kill switch on, bike powers up, no sweep, bike starts up and runs great... have you noticed that your Touring sweeps on turn of key?
Yes for sure as memory serves, since my bike got totaled a couple weeks ago. My next check would be that you have a solid connection to the underside of the instruments. Try unplugging and unplugging it & see if that doesnt help. I've got nothing else, so good luck!!