alright, the ghost of Lucas is alive and well.
Last night I tore everything down (covers off, seat removed, tank lifted, etc.) and started probing around with the multimeter trying to track down this gremlin.
Fuse in the stock fuse block is good (both headlights and starter). Starter will engage and start the engine which runs just fine. Just no headlights with the blue highbeam indicator lit.
With the EB H4 kit, I have the power lead running back through an EB PC-8 fuse block and all is good there (fuse good, voltage on the load side, etc.).
Next I pulled the Starter Relay (some Hella 5-pin 20/30 amp unit). I was able to get 12.5v through the 30 hole which tells me that power is getting to the relay. What I don't know is which pin the headlights get their power from on the load side of the relay. It has to be 87 or 87a. So here's the weird part: I partially reinsert the relay to that I could probe for voltage on the pins. I turn the key and low and behold the headlights come on. I fully insert the relay and all further tests are good.
Today, I started up the bike, so far so good. At lunch I go out to run home and NO HEADLIGHTS. $(#*$*#@!!!!

Autozone does not carry the appropriate relay so now the quest is on to find a local supply. I can order one online (
12 VDC Tyco 5-Pin Relay SPDT 20/30A (Formerly Bosch)) but I don't want to wait.
Any suggestions?