Looks Real to me, Good on the guy.love it . still would have been sore any one with a chest tattoo will tell you it was a little tender.
Love the Tattoo love the bike . Thumbs up from me Brother.
About two weeks before I shipped out to Vietnam back in 1966, I got a small USMC tat on my left arm. 49 years later and it looks like a blue skid mark.
Who cares :sleep:

I fail to see why anyone should need to deface their body with tatts or piercings :confused:

Is it a macho, bad ass thing, insecurity,the need to project an image. :rolleyes:

Makes no rhyme or reason to me :banghead:

People get tattoos for all sorts of reasons. I've seen some real good ones and we've all see horrors. It's not my body so why should it bother me what anyone does to there's. Mostly I admire the art and find the story behind it sometimes fascinating. Two of my favourite people in the world have a lot of tats and I see them as just being part of what makes them who they are.
Who cares :sleep:

I fail to see why anyone should need to deface their body with tatts or piercings :confused:

Is it a macho, bad ass thing, insecurity,the need to project an image. :rolleyes:

Makes no rhyme or reason to me :banghead:

I used to work with a fellow who got a branding. It was supposed to be a "?" but ended up looking like a *****and balls. Even he thought so :roll:
Many years ago I met this nitwit that had tattooed MARY on his own *****with a modified alarm clock. Needless to say he and Mary parted company eventually .. imagine he's spent the rest of his life looking for an understanding Mary. Guess a Rocket tatt doesn't pose that level of concern ..hahaha

Would have been more impressive if it had said "This tool belongs to Mary" in capital letters!!:eek:
Who cares :sleep:

I fail to see why anyone should need to deface their body with tatts or piercings :confused:

Is it a macho, bad ass thing, insecurity,the need to project an image. :rolleyes:

Makes no rhyme or reason to me :banghead:
-Like you wrote!!WHO CARES??:laugh:
I've got some, but wouldn't encourage someone else to do it.
.Each to their own eh folk:cool:
About two weeks before I shipped out to Vietnam back in 1966, I got a small USMC tat on my left arm. 49 years later and it looks like a blue skid mark.

Got a USN tat the same year. Pretty hard to make out now.

I kind of feel sorry for all these girls with all this elaborate artwork. Its not going to be pretty when they hit their 50's and 60's. Especially after they hit their 30's and 40's and pack on all that middle aged weight. (No dear, of course I wasn't talking about you.)