We all pay for the sins of our yute . . . one way or another! :oops:
Who cares :sleep:

I fail to see why anyone should need to deface their body with tatts or piercings :confused:

Is it a macho, bad ass thing, insecurity,the need to project an image. :rolleyes:

Makes no rhyme or reason to me :banghead:

Yep I got my full sleeves because I feel insecure and inadequate .. in the vain hope they would make me look totally bad ass and macho..... :roll: what is it they say " the difference between blokes with ink and those without is the blokes with tattoos couldn't care if you don't " :D
I reckon Tats are a personal thing - just not for me, but great for whoever wants them
OK everyone talking bout tats let's see some pix of them

REMEMBER ! You asked for this...........


Seemed like a good idea at the time :banghead: