I'd love traction control.
Launch assist would be great. As is, the big girl requires a long (longer than most) courtship.
I'm not looking for bragging rights at the local track; but I'd like to get better at a launch from a stop.
Yes, I give her some RPMs and a quick progressive clutch release and try to keep the throttle just under tire spin. But road conditions vary and she'll spin in all of 1st and into 2nd.
Launch assist would
always give a better match of throttle to traction.
Besides, if you have the option to turn it off; you can still hoon all you want when you want.
Traction control would have also kept me from lowsiding on a wet steel trench plate a couple of months back.
Yeah, it's my fault; but there were a lot of circumstances that I'm going whine about.
Riding in the rain on the highway slowed us down enough that we got caught up in afternoon rush hour traffic. I wasn't very familiar with the area but I decided to get out of the stampede.
There was construction at the intersection right off the highway with concrete barrier walls between me and the trenchplate.
With a ton of cars and my visor wet; I never saw the plate. I made the right turn and as I was straightening the bike up I gave her a
slight increase in throttle.
Steel trench plates are like ice when they are wet.
Rear tire went wide and we went down. Bent the fog light and cracked the shield, thank goodness for highway bars.
Anyway, while it does come down to rider error. Traction control would make 'less than ideal' riding conditions a lot more forgiving.
I'm 44 and have done about 15k miles a year on two wheels for the last five years. Not a full seasoned vet; but no noob either.