I just completed my latest revision of my Key-Less system - this one is now completely Solid-State with NO RELAYS and all in a single water-resistant enclosure.
I've been working on this revision for about 6 months now - I have 7 prototype versions out in the field, 5 of them on Rockets of various generations - 2 x Std/Classic models, 1 x 'early' Roadster and 2 x late model Roadster; also have one on a Street Triple and on my own Daytona/Speed Triple 955.
My great appreciation for those who participated in the Beta tests - they were not without a few bumps, with some early teething problems. But I ultimately got the bugs worked out and they are all working as intended right now.
(I won't publish the names of the testers myself, but they are welcome to chip in their comments as they wish, if they choose to make themselves known

After solving the final piece of the puzzle, all of the units came back so I could mod them to the latest circuit design. I'm pleased to say all are working consistently at the latest specification.
But again - could not have done this without their help, so - you know who you are - THANK YOU!!!!
The features of this new one are:
1. Still Hands-free control - keep remote in pocket, nothing to press.
2. All Solid State design with Integrated Power and Control on a new PCB.
3. All now in a single enclosure, which is water resistant (essentially box is sealed)
4. Easy Installation - Two plug n play connectors and one Posi-Tap connection.
This is my new Control & Power Board:
The three large chips are the MOSFET Power Switches.
These are good for an amazing 32A EACH
continuous with surge capacity to 135A - fully protected against short circuit. Note that the max current each circuit will actually see is ~ 10A continuous (on the early Std/Classic that is switching full headlight current).
These devices have incredibly low 'on resistance' and that means they dissipate incredibly low power even at high current operation. (I have tested at 15A continuous for over an hour and there was no discernible increase in temperature directly on the device)
Of course on the R3, even tge std/classic, they are running at a fraction of their spec'd capability.
The control circuit is the same design as that I have used in the previous generations utilizing Relays or the PDM60 - the output just drives the new Power Switches instead of those earlier devices. So that design is very well proven. The only difference is the physical layout on the printed circuit board is different, but the circuitry remains identical.
This is the finished revision of the board incorporating the mods that were worked out during the Beta Test phase. (So the final version got new artwork to incorporate the last set of changes). The upper half of the board (per the view sbown) is the control while the lower half in the foreground is the power switching stage.
And here it is installed in the box, along with the RFID Receiver (I purchase a commercial RFID receiver, which is more cost effective)
And the finished kit:
This one shows the 08+ Key-Switch connector; the system is identical for the 'early' Std/Classic models, just with a different connector.
Touring is also essentially the same with one subtle resistor addition specifically for those
I'm well pleased at how it turned out in the end.
This kit can easily be installed in an hour - and the majority of that is just in accessing under the tank
If anyone would like further information, please PM me
(I will not publish prices here)
Please also see these threads for information/endorsements on previous versions:
Decosse's keyless ignition
The BEST MOD ever