The reason I am asking by the way is I have two friends one with a brand new CVO Harley and aNother with a brand new Gold Wing and I know they’re going to want to do to roll-on from 60 or 70 to try to beat me so I want the best geat possible.
Welcome Buckaroo. I was minding my business here in Houston (Humble) Tx. when this CVO Harley was stopped at the light 3 cars ahead of me.
It was getting dark and he probably didn't recognize my bike as a Rocket Roadster or maybe didn't care, and I must admit his ride sounded like a pure
BEAST!!! as he blasted away from 2 lights without me responding. There was about a 1/4 straight from the 3rd light and I was still 3 cars behind him.
At this time, I felt a searing heat under my seat that made me almost jump off the Rocket. I realized that after 2 hard, bring it on launches from this
nasty CVO that the Rocket had gotten pissed at not being allowed to defend itself and sent me a message. When the light changed, again Mr. CVO
blasted away but this time I allowed him to jump out about 5 car lengths and I also had to change lanes to get around the cars in front of me. I hit the
launch button and it felt like a cheetah taking off after a gazelle. As I was coming out of 3rd and into 4th, it felt like I heard the famous line from the
late Howard Cosell when he exclaimed, "Down goes Frazier!!! ... Down goes Frazier!!!" All I remember seeing as I blasted past him was an orange
blur which used to be the color of his ride before the Rocket snatched the paint of of it. Was going to wait for him at the next light to get my head
nod, but he suddenly remembered he needed gas or some bubble gum and suddenly pulled into a station. I was out just trying to mind my own.