Im looking to increase performance

I’d go for large diameter headers 2” plus nitrous oxide plumbed into the stock air flow pipe just in front of the plenum at least 1’ from the IBs.


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I’d go for large diameter headers 2” plus nitrous oxide plumbed into the stock air flow pipe just in front of the plenum at least 1’ from the IBs.


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Some pay to build instead of doing it themselves. I build to ride and do it myself. Not into clamor and fame. I build and fully expect well over One Hundred Thousand Miles. Like to upgrade but do it within reason. A lot of these guys brag about stuff but did not build themselves nor did they do the proper upgrades along the way. Then again maybe they do not need too. Might just spend more time in their mercedes or ford then on their bikes. I ride period. Build to ride and after next round of upgrades should be able to push Rocket X number 74 well over One hundred thousand miles. Not much difference between a Harley or a Triumph or any other brand. If you do not pay attention to detail and build in accordance your bike will go down. Fame and glamor is really impressive. Nuts and bolts different story. The folks that sell the high powered kits and build the engines do just that. They do not spend much time looking at anything else but salesmanship and bragging rights on dynos. I guess if that is what your into that is cool. I bought the Rocket X for one reason. Big engine and might just hold up to the way i ride. Many of miles before I die. Not a monster super bike as many on here try to suggest. Not a super bike in the twisties. The bike is way to heavy and dynamics so uneven to ever become a super bike. Plenty of bikes out there that will cream it the quarter mile and plenty of bikes out there that will blow it away in the twistys. The only claim to fame is it has a engine like no other bike and built right will last as long as a car engine. Just Keeping It Real.
Some pay to build instead of doing it themselves. I build to ride and do it myself. Not into clamor and fame. I build and fully expect well over One Hundred Thousand Miles. Like to upgrade but do it within reason. A lot of these guys brag about stuff but did not build themselves nor did they do the proper upgrades along the way. Then again maybe they do not need too. Might just spend more time in their mercedes or ford then on their bikes. I ride period. Build to ride and after next round of upgrades should be able to push Rocket X number 74 well over One hundred thousand miles. Not much difference between a Harley or a Triumph or any other brand. If you do not pay attention to detail and build in accordance your bike will go down. Fame and glamor is really impressive. Nuts and bolts different story. The folks that sell the high powered kits and build the engines do just that. They do not spend much time looking at anything else but salesmanship and bragging rights on dynos. I guess if that is what your into that is cool. I bought the Rocket X for one reason. Big engine and might just hold up to the way i ride. Many of miles before I die. Not a monster super bike as many on here try to suggest. Not a super bike in the twisties. The bike is way to heavy and dynamics so uneven to ever become a super bike. Plenty of bikes out there that will cream it the quarter mile and plenty of bikes out there that will blow it away in the twistys. The only claim to fame is it has a engine like no other bike and built right will last as long as a car engine. Just Keeping It Real.
Im gonna blow you off that bike when we bail out for that throw down we agreed too. Oh and ill be riding 660 miles to get me some of that #74. You better stroke it since youre back to work. you gonna need something, bigger something :p :thumbsup:
How many miles on your bike senior.? I have at present 68,000 on a 2015 Rocket X. You can blow me away. The fact remains after your hot rod is buried and toast i will still be riding the X :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool: You show Home grown steak dinner is on me. I have gotten really good at barbecue. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
How many miles on your bike senior.? I have at present 68,000 on a 2015 Rocket X. You can blow me away. The fact remains after your hot rod is buried and toast i will still be riding the X :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool: You show Home grown steak dinner is on me. I have gotten really good at barbecue. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
And Coors light? You gotta deal
Ain't joking. You made a very nice offer a few years ago and enjoyed the stay. Now it is my turn to return the favor. Show up around the springtime. Will show you the sights of Southern Oklahoma. Will have fresh beef to serve with plenty of beer on ice. BRING IT MY FRIEND.
Ain't joking. You made a very nice offer a few years ago and enjoyed the stay. Now it is my turn to return the favor. Show up around the springtime. Will show you the sights of Southern Oklahoma. Will have fresh beef to serve with plenty of beer on ice. BRING IT MY FRIEND.
Heading to leakey in april. Hope to see you either direction heck both
Not A Fan Of The Right Wing. No Leakey For Me. Plan on leaving early so i can show The sights of Southern Oklahoma. Will take you on a tour of PRETTY BOY FLOYD Bank Robberies. I Designed the tour for the state of Oklahoma tourist attractions and it is very impressive. Leading from the first bank to his resting place. Imagine that he is kind of a Hero of mine. It is only a Days ride but the bank he robbed in Paden Oklahoma is right behind my grandma's house. Now the house of my Uncle's. They are real good at serving up a fine home cooked lunch. The ride starts in Shawnee and ends in his respective Grave. Plus one good home cooked meal at my place and a day of rest. Looking forward to it.