Newbee performance question?

Yes it will. the road king handles better than the rocket and has a better turning circle at lower speeds. I feel more confident on the road king. The rocket is definitely an acquired taste and is unforgiving. It took a lot of getting used to and its a scary ride.
A few years back I rode the ROadking 103 back to back with the Thunderbird 1700. The T-bird felt better everywhere; comfort, twisties, power out of a corner. But the RK had better parking lot manners hands down. I wrote I understand why the Police use so many and do so well in those slow-speed obstacle courses.
A few years back I rode the ROadking 103 back to back with the Thunderbird 1700. The T-bird felt better everywhere; comfort, twisties, power out of a corner. But the RK had better parking lot manners hands down. I wrote I understand why the Police use so many and do so well in those slow-speed obstacle courses.

The slow speed parking lot is probably the only place the RK will outperform the R3. The RK with the air ride suspension will be more comfortable, but will get dusted in the twisties.
The reason I am asking by the way is I have two friends one with a brand new CVO Harley and aNother with a brand new Gold Wing and I know they’re going to want to do to roll-on from 60 or 70 to try to beat me so I want the best geat possible.
Welcome Buckaroo. I was minding my business here in Houston (Humble) Tx. when this CVO Harley was stopped at the light 3 cars ahead of me.
It was getting dark and he probably didn't recognize my bike as a Rocket Roadster or maybe didn't care, and I must admit his ride sounded like a pure
BEAST!!! as he blasted away from 2 lights without me responding. There was about a 1/4 straight from the 3rd light and I was still 3 cars behind him.
At this time, I felt a searing heat under my seat that made me almost jump off the Rocket. I realized that after 2 hard, bring it on launches from this
nasty CVO that the Rocket had gotten pissed at not being allowed to defend itself and sent me a message. When the light changed, again Mr. CVO
blasted away but this time I allowed him to jump out about 5 car lengths and I also had to change lanes to get around the cars in front of me. I hit the
launch button and it felt like a cheetah taking off after a gazelle. As I was coming out of 3rd and into 4th, it felt like I heard the famous line from the
late Howard Cosell when he exclaimed, "Down goes Frazier!!! ... Down goes Frazier!!!" All I remember seeing as I blasted past him was an orange
blur which used to be the color of his ride before the Rocket snatched the paint of of it. Was going to wait for him at the next light to get my head
nod, but he suddenly remembered he needed gas or some bubble gum and suddenly pulled into a station. I was out just trying to mind my own.
Welcome Buckaroo. I was minding my business here in Houston (Humble) Tx. when this CVO Harley was stopped at the light 3 cars ahead of me.
It was getting dark and he probably didn't recognize my bike as a Rocket Roadster or maybe didn't care, and I must admit his ride sounded like a pure
BEAST!!! as he blasted away from 2 lights without me responding. There was about a 1/4 straight from the 3rd light and I was still 3 cars behind him.
At this time, I felt a searing heat under my seat that made me almost jump off the Rocket. I realized that after 2 hard, bring it on launches from this
nasty CVO that the Rocket had gotten pissed at not being allowed to defend itself and sent me a message. When the light changed, again Mr. CVO
blasted away but this time I allowed him to jump out about 5 car lengths and I also had to change lanes to get around the cars in front of me. I hit the
launch button and it felt like a cheetah taking off after a gazelle. As I was coming out of 3rd and into 4th, it felt like I heard the famous line from the
late Howard Cosell when he exclaimed, "Down goes Frazier!!! ... Down goes Frazier!!!" All I remember seeing as I blasted past him was an orange
blur which used to be the color of his ride before the Rocket snatched the paint of of it. Was going to wait for him at the next light to get my head
nod, but he suddenly remembered he needed gas or some bubble gum and suddenly pulled into a station. I was out just trying to mind my own.
Well Darron that was a fun read! What year is your Rocket and is she basically stock? I went Harley hunting but the **** lights and traffic didn’t cooperate.
Any race or roll on with a Harley is just foolishness for them. Ask them to set the rules for the event because it doesn’t matter. They have a six speed so just specify wether it’s a top gear only or any gear. At 60 mph you’ll win in any gear you choose. Fourth will give a better jolt and spank them harder. Third will make high rpm but I don’t know how your limiter is set but very doable. It’s really about how bad do you want to make them look.

My limiter is set at 7250 rpm and with the mods I have in my 2014 Roadster I’d go to Second for max intimidation factor. I top out second at 90 mph, go to third for a buck twenty and then fourth and fifth is just to bring the rpms down from scream. ;) It’s going to be hard not to look to arrogant and smug.

I’m still waiting for a Harley rider to try me out.:whitstling:
And then hit the pits for gas and go
I'll be honest with you. If I had it to do all over again which if I find a late 08 or a 09 classic I will. Anyway I've had horse power its nice but I would just do the pipes and air cleaner with good tuning. Then I would dump my money into the suspension. I went thru a couple rockets with good rear shocks but once I got the front end done it was like night and day. I have a set of forks to work over definitely with cartridges . Just can't decide which ones. Traxxion dynamics or the Italian made Mupo. The prices are close I'm leaning towards Mupo for more adjustability. Anyway have fun !!!!

Warp My Moto Guzzi 1200 Sport has Traxxion Dynamics front and rear suspension. The handling of that bike is phenomenal. Go with TD.