Ahhhhhh. Thanks Harry. The penny drops. Since there's already an air filter in place, what's the snorkel supposed to do? Keep any low flying ducks out of the intake?
As I don't really need the full 138hp, I think I'll leave the snorkel alone. Many Vulcan2000 owners replaced the stock Kaw air with a well known 3rd paty kit (me included), along with new pipes and a PCIII. Turns out some of the 3rd party unit seating tolerances were not quite what they should have been, allowing road grime to be sucked in at the inlet connection rather than through the filter. I know of 4 serious engine rebuilds. (not mine)
I'm not really paranoid (apart from the foil on all my windows, and inside my cap), and I know there's not much chance of that happening here, but I'm happy to leave well enough alone now I have the more effective pipes and tune.........................