New Rocket III Touring tune question

Pete, hook up a battery charger if you got one and make sure the computer that you are running tuneboy on is plugged in also.

Yeah, if I understood the conversation correctly, I got an 08 Touring RIII and I also test-rode a classic RIII. Up to 100 mph there was not much of a difference to tell you the truth. I'm sure beyond 100 there is a tremendous difference. But up to where you need to go, it's not a cupcake.
Here's a link to a dyno run. The lowest numbers are with TORS and the Triumph tune for them. That's probably a good bump from stock since it eliminates the cats and adds fuel.

The highest numbers are with TORS, Tuneboy pod filters, and the Tuneboy modified TORS tune. That tune adds fuel, opens the secondaries 100%, and actually retards timing a bit. As you can see the numbers are significantly higher.

The change in the performance of the bike is dramatic. From off idle to the rev limiter the bike pulls much stronger than stock. I've made numerous back to back 0-100 runs testing different tunes for Wayne and the increase in performance is very noticable.
Okay. I went "back to the dawn of time".....I deinstalled and reinstalled Tuneboy (version 3.6.6) and the drivers from the website, left the bike connected to the battery tender, got external power to the laptop and did a "recovery" to map 20233. works !

The only disappointment is that I don't know just which component (or finger) caused the problem, but that's not really an issue.

Wayne has suggested I now load 20235 (the Triumph upgrade for TORs), ride it, and the try 20235-mod (100% secondaries) to test the difference between the mid power and full power to see which one I like. I'll probably stay with the 20235 TORs upgrade, but I'll report back. (as soon as I get enought strength back in my knee to ride !)

Thanks for all your help Harry and others.

Regards, Pete
Atta boy Pete!! For some reason the first load of a Tuneboy tune takes much longer than subsequent ones. I'd bet that and a weak battery were the cause of your problem. Persistence does pay off sometimes.

I predict that once you install the 20235 tune that has been modified to open the secondaries 100% you'll leave it in. It makes a very noticeable difference with no downside. The throttle response is much quicker at lower revs and since you run in closed loop at cruise, it doesn't effect gas mileage.
Thanks Harry...not sure I'm a good enough rider to handle all that power, but I'm sure going to give it a run. Even in stock form the Touring appears to have much smoother acceleration and gives the seat of the pants impression of much more torque than the 2053cc Vulcan.

Just as an aside, now I have loaded the 20235mod (the one prior to 100% secondaries), I am now getting engine run on after I turn the ignition off, for around 6 seconds before it splutters to a halt. I didn't have this prior to the mods. Anyone ever seen this happen ?

**** Pete, if it wasn't for bad luck, you wouldn't have any luck. I've never experienced any run on. I guess the first thing I'd do is check for any codes. I really have no idea what could be causing the problem, hopefully someone else will suggest something.
The plot thickens....After loading the 20235mod tune, and leaving the bike overnight, I only get the single clunk at ignition this morning. I assume my battery is flat again, even with the tender running. I can hear an occasional ticking, perhaps every second or two from under the tank. I assume this is some kind of electronic activity that is draining the battery faster than the tender is maintaining it. Aaaaaaarrrrgggghhhh. It also cycles when I turn the ignition on, and then cycles again after I turn the ignition off.

I have recovered back to stock 20233. I can no longer hear the ticking from under the tank once the ignition is switched off.

I'll leave it for 24 hours and see if the bike starts, and then see what happens if I leave it over night. If it all works fine, then it looks like there is something about the 20235mod tune that my bike doesn't like.

I might go straight to the 20235mod+100% secondaries when (if) the battery holds its charge for a day or so under 20233.

Please don't take this as any kind of intimation that Tuneboy is unreliable. I have seen no indication of that. The recovery back to 20233 works just fine. I'm just wondering if my 20235mod file is corrupted in some way, which is what has been causing all these unusual symptoms.

Pete, sent you a PM.

Edited to try to attach tune to this post. If it works, load this tune.


  • 20235TuneModSEC100_Modified.dat
    333.4 KB · Views: 126
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In as much as I'm electronically challenged, reading the discourse between the two of you has my head buzzing.

I will say one thing. If the internals od the Touring model are the same as my R3Classic, the reduced power at stock levels should go a long way to eliminating excessive load on the engine/driveline and maybe eliminate the problems some of us (including me) have has or are having.

Having said that, I look at Walt and a few others with supercharged R3's and no problems and scratch my almost hairless head.