New Riken Raptor 225 55R 16

Hey 07 Classic I tried the Ct and did not care for it but as a suggestion maybe try raising the pressure a wee bit say a pond or so a time and see if it gets any better. There might be a point where it gets to hard but I think the tire pressure thing is closely related to the size of the Captain I being a scrawny guy had to lower the tire pressure to much just to be able to control it. but I bet some larger guys can get away with more pressure. I think the stiffer you can run it the quicker you will be able to manuver it. Of course like I said I did not last long on one buth I am only 155 lbs wet so the bike probably did not know I was on it. My Brother Perd's mentioned that to me as he is 290 and the bike will go in any direction he forces it to. I think its why the car tire works so well for him. just an idea once you find your right pressure it will most likely feel better.

Oh and Art quit being so awnry!!!!!:D
OK SCOTT ill try ;) BUT BUT
I think that maybe part of my problem is that I am 5'7" and weigh 155lbs. I get a lot of crap for riding such a big bike, but when I blow past everyone else, they usually shutup.
YES the METZ weighs 12 LBS compared to 27.5 LBS for the CT WOW now thats a dramatic difference and couple that with low air pressure run by the DARKSIDERS and that explains the loss of top speed 10 mph and HP :eek::confused::(

I don't get your numbers? Are you talking about a R3 or a R3T.

I did a lot of research on the subject before I ordered a Toyo Proxes4 245/50/16 for my R3.

The numbers I got came from the tire manufacture's web sites.

Stock Metz 240/50/16 20.07lbs
Toyo Proxes4 245/50/16 24.05lbs

for a difference of 3lbs 14oz

Yes, that will equal a power loss but not much.

I'll just make sure I take a sh*t before I take the R3 out.:D

I'll suck it up and do a dyno run for you guys. I already have a before dyno sheet.
I don't get your numbers? Are you talking about a R3 or a R3T.

I did a lot of research on the subject before I ordered a Toyo Proxes4 245/50/16 for my R3.

The numbers I got came from the tire manufacture's web sites.

Stock Metz 240/50/16 20.07lbs
Toyo Proxes4 245/50/16 24.05lbs

for a difference of 3lbs 14oz

Yes, that will equal a power loss but not much.

I'll just make sure I take a sh*t before I take the R3 out.:D

I'll suck it up and do a dyno run for you guys. I already have a before dyno sheet.
YES your correct i posted the wrong weights that some one else provided so you say a 4lb difference OK are you going to do the before and after the same day on the same dyno and run the pressures as you would run on the street 42 psi for the metz and 28 psi for the TOYO sounds good let us know ;)
YES your correct i posted the wrong weights that some one else provided so you say a 4lb difference OK are you going to do the before and after the same day on the same dyno and run the pressures as you would run on the street 42 psi for the metz and 28 psi for the TOYO sounds good let us know ;)

Your killing me! Same dyno different days. With my weight, ct pressure will be 32psi. MC tire duno run was done with 42 psi.

Give me a week or so, I'll start a new thread with results.
I can believe the Metzler weight almost as much or maybe more the some car tires as the side wall is thick and you can run 5 miles on it with a hole big enough to stuff 4 plugs in it. then plug it at the gas station and ride on. The Avon acts like it is sitting on the rim when it blows and you are stuck on the side of the road. Hell it is hard to turn it onto a sidestreet when it goes flat. I unfortunately know this as I have had blow outs on both. Not that it matters anyway as Art is no longer allowed on this site. But hell as long as your testing a under pressured tire take her out and run her up to 6200 rpm in 5th with the tach being off that should be about 6400 on a stock tach and see how safe she feels. My metzler tracks straight at that speed and higher.

you hit 6400 on your tach in 5th and you should see something like this on the GPS
Remember the tach is off so you would only be spinng about 6200 rpms

you should feel how smooth the Metzler is at 8300 on the tach altough its really only about 7700 rpms. straight as and arrow and pretty fricken fast also
kinda funny how many pages this has gone! and the liberal nutcases reveal themselves quickly! by the trashing me! which is funny, Hmm never met any of you! words reveal whats in your heart! ;) (not you brother skip!! :)) I am now running an Avon 240 installed the better K&N Filters (definately an attention getter) as mentioned by Wayne! now I pull 150mph. handles great too! my new roadster footpegs allow me to go a little quicker around the turns too! everyone is different! if the car tire works for you! Great! I will keep my Rikon just in case I can swing the carpenter mods! Ride safe all!
kinda funny how many pages this has gone! and the liberal nutcases reveal themselves quickly! by the trashing me! which is funny, Hmm never met any of you! words reveal whats in your heart! ;) (not you brother skip!! :)) I am now running an Avon 240 installed the better K&N Filters (definately an attention getter) as mentioned by Wayne! now I pull 150mph. handles great too! my new roadster footpegs allow me to go a little quicker around the turns too! everyone is different! if the car tire works for you! Great! I will keep my Rikon just in case I can swing the carpenter mods! Ride safe all!

I am not sure if I qualify as a liberal nut case or not :D I am sure I have a leg up on being crazy though!!!!! I to am running the Avon as I get a few more miles out of it then the meztler. I also prefer the Avon over the metzler in the front but on the back other then the two differences I discribed above it a toss up. I have run the Avon on the front with the metzler on the back and it runs just as well as both being Metzler's.
I agree with your to each his own statement!!!!!
Rubberside down!!!!!!!!!!!
Not to worry Born to ride 63 as I did not take it as a jab and I am only jealous about the 1963 verses my 1962 date :) To be honest with you I am still tryiing to figure out how this post got brought back up without anyone posting. I got a notification that some one posted and when I went to it I did not notice the last post was in June. Maybe it was the ghost of IMFASTTOO that brought it up. Other then that I think the only ones that could possibly do this would be of the moderator level? Kind of make me wonder why it was brought back up is someone missing Art? I do but then I get to talk to him any time I want. In fact I just received my Carpenter goodies today. Man the pistons cams and head work look awesome!!!!
Anyyway I still think I am close to the crazy limit as one can be without falling off the boat:D
Have a great day!!!!!!!