New Riken Raptor 225 55R 16

To be honest with you I am still tryiing to figure out how this post got brought back up without anyone posting. I got a notification that some one posted and when I went to it I did not notice the last post was in June. Maybe it was the ghost of IMFASTTOO that brought it up. Other then that I think the only ones that could possibly do this would be of the moderator level? Kind of make me wonder why it was brought back up is someone missing Art?
I don't think you're losing it quite yet .... I'm pretty sure someone did indeed post another jab at the Darkside, but soon afterward, deleted it. (must have been worried the fan with all the poo would get plugged back into the wall. :p) I too got a notice there was a new post and ran right over to see. Oh well ... maybe next time. ;)
Now Im jealous! Carpenter Goodies!!! :( His work is exceptional! I am just concerned how the longevity will be! and if the head bolts will stretch! I am on the gas 75% of my riding time! and ride about 4500 miles per year! all I can do with work! you think the engine would still be reliable!
They look great to me and I have 50,000 miles on mine 22,000 with the blower and I thrash mine. I only put 12,000 on this year do to getting injured in the line of duty. Had some major shoulder repair or upgraded with a stainless plate and 6 screws and the next surgery will be on November 11th. they are talking about a third one but I don't know when and I am trying to talk them into doing the 2nd and 3rd at the same time. So my answer is yes they designed the stage 1 for longevity. What I am doing to mine is a wee bit different since I have the blower. I call it the TransWarp drive initiative:D

Unlike others on here I plan to have a Rocket when I am done it will still be street legal and still be a Triumph Rocket. I have no interest in building something I can not call a Triumph or not be able to ride it on the street. It like car tires to each his own. It would be wrong for me to knock anyones project down.
not sure I'm following you.
the 2013 part I got, but the tourer and classic I thought they quit making.
To simplify this do you have one headlight or two.
if two with the gauges on the handlebars then yes it will fit.
if only one headlight with your gauge on the tank, then no it won't fit.
Hope this helps.
Hi, TQ. Like Skip, I'm a little confused on which model that you have.

2013 means it's either a Roadster or a Touring.

If it is the Touring, then you will need a smaller tire such as a 205/60-16.

The Roadster will fit the 225/55-16.

"Tourer" and "Classic" refers to pre-2008 models and the "Classic Tourer" was a 2007 only model.

yea i can be a little confusing some times 3rd shift worker at a slauder house.... one head light guages on the tank :rolleyes: oh yea and a new rocket 2013