New Riken Raptor 225 55R 16

Low tire pressure

YA KNOW you can lower the pressure on the METZ or AVON and get more traction if you like it seems that all the CT guys are running those things underinflated trying to make them handle SO ???
Well that explains alot ... it's either liver (glug-glug) or brain damage talking.
Maybe both.

So borntoride63,
SINCE this is your thread and about your decision to buy and try a 225 car tire,
Now that the debate has raged on for a minute or two,
and you've had time to ride it a few miles,
whats your opinion?
Bad news, guys. borntoride has sold his R3 and will be sticking with riding his lawn tractor... you know, the one with the big knobby tires.

Me... I'm just gonna go on 'round back and take me a little break. See 'ya...
Riken on mine

I have the Riken Raptor on my 07 Classic. It was on the bike when I got it and looks like new. For me, it handles fine everywhere except on uneven pavement at very slow speeds. A small groove in the grocery store parking lot just about pitched me over the other day. I am running about 35psi in it. Any suggestions on how to make it not be so pushy at slow speeds? Suggestions from anyone that actually owns a R3 with a CT would be appreciated!
Welcome to the forum 07classic. I've got a Riken Raptor 225/55 on mine with over 7000 miles on it that still looks new. The low speed handling issues over bad pavement is the main drawback to the darkside tire, It gets better with time. I generally try to drive around the bad stuff.

BTW even the Metzler will walk around on bad pavement. It comes with the wide tire.
OF COURSE put the MT back on the bike

Hey 07 Classic I tried the Ct and did not care for it but as a suggestion maybe try raising the pressure a wee bit say a pound or so a time and see if it gets any better. There might be a point where it gets to hard but I think the tire pressure thing is closely related to the size of the Captain I being a scrawny guy had to lower the tire pressure to much just to be able to control it. but I bet some larger guys can get away with more pressure. I think the stiffer you can run it the quicker you will be able to manuver it. Of course like I said I did not last long on one buth I am only 155 lbs wet so the bike probably did not know I was on it. My Brother Perd's mentioned that to me as he is 290 and the bike will go in any direction he forces it to. I think its why the car tire works so well for him. just an idea once you find your right pressure it will most likely feel better.

Oh and Art quit being so awnry!!!!!