hi Bruce, if you've not fixed your small pannier issue I remember having the same issue and all it needed was a sharp push down on the top of the pannier above the lock mechanism as this sometimes appears to get stuck in no mans land and needs pushing to the home position....This worked for me -yours may be a totally different issue..cheers
hi Bruce, if you've not fixed your small pannier issue I remember having the same issue and all it needed was a sharp push down on the top of the pannier above the lock mechanism as this sometimes appears to get stuck in no mans land and needs pushing to the home position....This worked for me -yours may be a totally different issue..cheers
Hi mate. Thanks for the help, that did the job!
Hello Bruce and welcome from Virginia. I have a 2014 R3T as well coming up on 45K miles. My locks get upset ever so often and I use some elctro-lube on them. That has kept them working well for the last 4 months of winter into spring now.
... you might try WD-40 and let it set and soak awhile then use soft cloth to wipe off with (careful on choice of cloths/rags as they can cause swirls or streaks in paint themselves) and you may need to repeat the process, it has worked on a whole lot of stuff for me without hurting the paint!

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