New owner, and hello!

Thanks for the super friendly welcome. Already reading about mods and other stuff.
The first job will be the relay for the ignition switch I think, followed by a GiPro ATRE.
I'll have to do something about the stock pipes. I think I'll start with just a decat box first as I was reading on here that that makes a nice difference to the sound with the stock pipes. If it's still too quiet after that I'll have to find myself a set of TORs. Or work out how to gut the stock ones.
Thanks for the super friendly welcome. Already reading about mods and other stuff.
The first job will be the relay for the ignition switch I think, followed by a GiPro ATRE.
I'll have to do something about the stock pipes. I think I'll start with just a decat box first as I was reading on here that that makes a nice difference to the sound with the stock pipes. If it's still too quiet after that I'll have to find myself a set of TORs. Or work out how to gut the stock ones.

Welcome mate,

Just a quick point based on your last post...Maybe save your pennies as I think if it is noise you are after you might just grow out of the tors pretty quickly. I must admit my bike is not that quiet anymore and perhaps pumps about a bit more noise than most would care for but in my opinion the Tors would have been better to hold off on and put my $ toward something I knew I liked better.

You'll find most things you do will get you addicted to doing things to your bike so in time you'll end up replacing the mods with better ones. If I was starting off fresh I would leave it stock until I had the $ to do it once properly.

You've come to the right site to work all the "best stuff to do once off" first.
Aye, I'm not after big noise. TBH I'm too old for that. I just could do with a bit more volume if you know what I mean.
I will ride it as it comes for a while though for sure. It's summer and I want to be riding rather than in the garage with it in pieces. Mods can wait until it (inevitably) rains.
Hello and welcome from New Jersey, rilot! That looks like a particularly fine example of the breed that you found.

Remember, those that suffer from the absence of colour (i.e., blackness), can only envy those that benefit from the most passionate and performance-oriented hue of them all!!!
Another welcome from downunder..... enjoy the journey of adding some mods, you are on the right track of fitting the ignition/headlight relays to start if they haven't been already done.