the rocket landed at batemans bay at 5 pm .it took 16 hours 40minutes for for all you queenslanders going to the rdu. l would suggest a couple of days,in total 1126 km from coomera
Had a nice Breakfast with Peter at the local main street Bakery, had a great yarn with him and rode with him till the Canberra Turn off (not far and on the way home) as he is going up my favorite playground (The Cylde Mtn) over to Goulburn and then part way up the hume Hwy to save Time, he is very knowlegdeable of this area as he grew up in the area so we had a bit to chat about it and He agrees with some of my Ideas for RDU Batemans Bay later this year I hope Richard TC & Catherine and Other's travelling to Nabiac are taking it easy watching out for the blue lights but more importantly watching out for All the Holiday looney's.Oh and by the way we want PICTURE'S please
:-( sad I'm not on my way but happy to know a few of us are able to catch up and have some fun. Thinking of you all. Ride safe and look out for the double points.
And here we are, safe and sound (and safe) in Gloucester.
I thought it was called Coppers Hill after the cheese rolling that goes on at Coppers Hill in Gloucestershire. Apparently not!
Rained all the way from nabiac to Coomera all 580 km,s I hope you have better weather tomorrow when you guys leave . over all it was 2 hours less time getting home than going down ,no traffic congestion at all .have a safe ride .
Bloody long way in the rain! Glad you got there mate. Was good to see you.
We popped in and had a look at Kings Creek on our way back to Gloucester. Really would have been a great place for a gathering - some other time maybe.
Hoping for better weather tomorrow, and an early start!