FYI...Rockets at the Dish 2017 for more info check out the event on Facebook..Cheers

12 Rockets - well done, any gathering is a good idea, at least we saw most of you arriving on the way out, I waved and HansO got cake, not a Snickers but it helped. ;):D:roll::roll::roll::roll:

We had another two Rockets out of five with the 'early arrivers and departers' but two of us gladly got to our next stop at Canberra not long after dark. It was chilly afternoon South East of Parkes but no where near as chilly as the day before near Oberon.
@Ishrub I agree with you, any R3 gathering is good whether it's a Facebook event or Forum event.. I just can't stand negative people thinking it's "us or them" .. It's just a shame some didn't communicate via Facebook as all the last minute event detail changes was posted on the Rockets at the Dish event page a few days before due to distance travelled for some.. Glad to hear you boys enjoyed the run to Canberra before dark which included cake along the way.. o_O:D
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Gentlemen and Ladies ....... Sorry I missed you .... communication could have been better but we have a starting point. If we get our acts together all of us can communicate and move on. I, myself am very far from being a millennial and rely on much more than the most recent post on Facebook for my daily instructions. Old men need order in their lives. We also need to meet more Rocket Captains and talk Rocket sh!t. I have either met or followed posts from most of the participants in the Rocket community on the East coast of Oz and find your company quite desirable to say the least. Put down the Axes and come for a ride.
At least you coastal blokes got a teeny bit of the sort of roads that a Rocket does best on.
@Longrider Agreed.. This "us and them" Bullsh!t needs to be sorted asap as RDU will lose a lot of R3 riders from most Facebook pages who are willing to attend any future RDU events..
@Longrider Agreed.. This "us and them" Bullsh!t needs to be sorted asap as RDU will lose a lot of R3 riders from most Facebook pages who are willing to attend any future RDU events..
The park has given us the BBQ area .... I'm out there in the next couple of weeks for work and I intended to find out if someone could cater for us ... my shout Fri night. And a very Rocket ride Sat Morning. Lets all get together and be Australian.
FYI @HansO tell me when did we use "YOUR"name RDU to advertise Rockets at the Dish? as for the meeting time change it was advertised on the events page on Facebook.. Guess some of us Rocket owners on a few Facebook pages won't be going to any of "YOUR" RDU events in the near future..
My Sincere Apologies I somehow thought it was the RDU facebook page that had organised it, as I don't get on the Facebook pages that much I was not aware of any changes as there was no updates here, possibly next time you or one the organisers could update the thread that is started here so we are all on the same page
My Sincere Apologies I somehow thought it was the RDU facebook page that had organised it, as I don't get on the Facebook pages that much I was not aware of any changes as there was no updates here, possibly next time you or one the organisers could update the thread that is started here so we are all on the same page

How frightfully civil. You must have got cake today! ;):p:D:roll::roll::roll::roll:
@Wrecka The Rockets at the Dish event was a TCA event which was ran through Facebook.. It was not an RDU forum event.. Since when has this forum become" us and them"??at the end of the day it's about meeting up with other R3 owners with the same interest.. We never knew that this RDU fourm was opinionated and very political. Rant over.. 20170805_141641.jpg
Having a big cry over it on here just makes you look like a sook mate , dont come to RDU i really couldnt give a fk
Having a big cry over it on here just makes you look like a sook mate , dont come to RDU i really couldnt give a fk
@Wrecka I really don't even give two hoots about this outdated RDU page We thought we'd share Rockets at the Dish flyer (Facebook event) to get the word out to you boys .The funny thing is the word got out via Facebook that the RDU members are the ones having a cry about it..Maybe you need to re read some of the comments made by RDU members to get your facts right..
Nah No Cake (only pig out when on trips), just honest me realising a Mistake and owning up to it, You know me I am not one to go out of my way to make bad vibes unless called for