The bike is designed and factory spec'ed to be run on 87 octane gasoline. It actually will run worse on "better", higher octane gas. I'd start there and run this stuff Star Tron Enzyme Fuel Treatment - HOME through a couple of tank loads if your local fuel contains the dreaded ethanol chit.:cool:
As far as I know all Rockets come from the factory timed for 89 octane unless they changed it.
It can be timed for any octane fuel but I recommend running what it is timed for. If she seems to be miss firing then it could be detonation.
I think I solved the problem,use lower octane fuel,runs way better on regular 87 octane, easier on pocket book as well, all good:)

John if lower octane did it then I suspect your having a fueling issue either in the A?F ratio where she is miss firing. or the amount of fuel in that cell is giving you grief at the highe roctane. This can be a timing issue in that particular area. The reason I suspected it was detonation is Gorge Rider just had his Touring dynoed and the operater said he was experiencing some detonation. This can happen in this big motor without you feeling it. What does the miss fire sound likea few marbels rattling ? Your dealer can not alter the timing in the map unless he has one of the after market tuning aids like Tune Boy or Tune ECU. The only other way I know of to alter timing would be with a Vampire unit.

Running 87 octane is not going to hurt your bike but the burn rate will be quicker so in the areas you were not experiencing problems could now be burning different with lower octane.
Are you using any tuning aids or does the bike have a stock OEM map in it?

At the very least you should get a couple dyno pulls with a A/F sweap to see where your fueling is. Its not tuning so 50 to 75 bucks should be all it cost.

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