Ignition Replaced Now Bad Miss

You say coil leads... Did the mechanic check the crimp connectors on the wires that power the coils as they are notorious for coming lose.

The mechanic checked the 2 low tension leads from each coil (the leads that have colored wires). Are you referring to those?
what was it doing before u had ign sw replaced?
does it idle ok?
u might try starting it up letting it idle and do a wiggle test on the wiring around the ign switch.

Before the ignition switch was replaced, about once a month when I'd turn the key on it would be completely dead (no dial lights, no fuel pump, no signals, no headlights or running lights) except for the horn.
what i was thinking that the wiring on the switch may be in a spot that it pulls on the harness and causing a problem. you might pull your crank sensor and clean(start engine and let run for a minute before pulling sensor so you won't loose a lot of oil). crank sensor is at the bottom rear of engine.
he may have removed bat cables when he rr switch so have a look at them to make sure they are tight.
Dobro, take off the tps and clean inside tps and connection and I think your problem will be solved. I spent $500 at Ft Worth triump dealer who had it over two months and when I finally got it back it started stalling again after a couple days. I had heard about the tps problem so I took in apart and cleaned it good took about 20 minutes and haven't had a problem since.
I would have gone for the low tension lead also as a start but this looks to have been ruled out.

I have had a friend who had terrible trouble with a Ducati about an hour after he bought it and we headed doff on a rally (have mentioned this before but it may be worth a look). His bike missed and farted like you wouldn't believe, one exhaust started glowing red hot and I flagged him down. We limped to the rally site and the bike shop sent out a mechanic (good on them). He found the fault was water down the spark-plug holes, he thought it got there by the bike shop when they cleaned it with a pressure cleaner (hate those things on bikes) and water got under the caps. Dried them, it ran beautifully.

Also thinking about, it if it was fine before the ignition repair (and the bike shop lackey didn't do you the favor of water-blasting your bike) and it missed afterwards I wonder if its an earthing issue? May not be enough to kill the lights and dash noticeably but may be dropping the ECU in and out? Easy to check that with some jumper leads.
I had to pull the coils off my bike (amoung other things) to replace the valve cover gasket (factory one was improperly installed). When I put it back together it had a weird miss. I checked everything and couldn't figure out what was wrong. I hooked it up to tuneecu and did a scan, it found that the front most ignition coil had a miss. I pulled the plug wires out of it and cleaned/dielectric greased as previously mentioned, and cleaned the power/cround terminals/plugs. Started it up and it ran fine.

I don't remember if I had a check engine light (or even if the rocket has one) but the tuneECU told me what was wrong. It might be worth it to use it to take a peak if it finds anything.
I had to pull the coils off my bike (amoung other things) to replace the valve cover gasket (factory one was improperly installed). When I put it back together it had a weird miss. I checked everything and couldn't figure out what was wrong. I hooked it up to tuneecu and did a scan, it found that the front most ignition coil had a miss. I pulled the plug wires out of it and cleaned/dielectric greased as previously mentioned, and cleaned the power/cround terminals/plugs. Started it up and it ran fine.

I don't remember if I had a check engine light (or even if the rocket has one) but the tuneECU told me what was wrong. It might be worth it to use it to take a peak if it finds anything.

There is an engine check light but it does not show up for the coils (well mine didn't)...
I had to pull the coils off my bike (amoung other things) to replace the valve cover gasket (factory one was improperly installed). When I put it back together it had a weird miss. I checked everything and couldn't figure out what was wrong. I hooked it up to tuneecu and did a scan, it found that the front most ignition coil had a miss. I pulled the plug wires out of it and cleaned/dielectric greased as previously mentioned, and cleaned the power/cround terminals/plugs. Started it up and it ran fine.

I don't remember if I had a check engine light (or even if the rocket has one) but the tuneECU told me what was wrong. It might be worth it to use it to take a peak if it finds anything.

Thanks, oldschool. My coil leads have been checked, cleaned, re-crimped and checked again.