
Living Legend
Jun 1, 2012
Northern Michigan
2013 Rocket III Touring
Been riding around with the McCruise from 60 down. Went out in the slab today and when I set it at 70 it would cut out after a couple hundred yarda. If I tried to set it at 75, when it did set, it would cut out in a second or two.

No issues at 65. Any ideas?
Was using mine today . . . never had it cut out at any speed without my doing so deliberately by tapping the brake or touching "OFF".

Never had any such issues with the previous unit I used for ten years on my ST1300.
Losing vacuum is my guess... When i used to install these systems in cars and Very occasionally we would get some back that had a carbon build up on the diaphragm
I suspect that as @Mittzy says it is a vacuum issue. I am having a similar though not the same issue. Sometimes it won't engage at highway speed. As long as I turn the cruise on before I pop the clutch for the first time all is well. I have been meaning to sit down with the documentation and try to sort it out, but just haven't had the time and it hasn't really annoyed me enough yet I suppose

@Tony Guymer ...your thoughts?
Don't know . . . there are several safety features designed into McCruise, one of which (would make NASA proud) is a confirmation that the brake sensing works.

That is, when the cc is turned on, it is not armed immediately, by design, until one of the brake levers has been tapped sufficiently to light the brake lights.

Now, by habit, when I want to use the cc, I do a tap-tap __ 1) tap "ON" on the cc control head; 2) tap on the foot brake -- then free to SET at leisure.

Just a thought.
I don't know if you have the option -- we do it in the Air Force when working on fighter planes and bombers -- having a second set of eyes to review your installation, can be really useful.
Losing vacuum is my guess ....

I suspect that as @Mittzy says it is a vacuum issue. .....

Remember during your install Rick you were asking about the vac connection and I suggested using line common to all three TB'S (pipe B) but you opted for single TB line (although I acknowledge this is what MCC recommended)

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Recognize you have less vacuum when throttle is wider open (& reciprocally of course) - so you might be marginal & those wider openings (at 70 & 75 vs 65, where it works) are enough to reduce it beyond requirement.

A quick test would be to close the throttle momentarily at those higher speeds and see if it engages more readily.

Note that you also be sure your hoses are a good tight fit, and not leaking to atmosphere.
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