I absolutely agree about the need for a 6th gear. Where I live if you're cruising at 75-80 you'd better be in the far right lane. The speed limit is 75 and 10 over is probably the average.
WE CANT really cruise around here at much over 80 but there are plenty of CRAZY FAST AND FURIOUS car nuts flying along at over 100+ passing and weaving thru traffic
That is exactly what I was looking for and seems to be pretty accurate (if the speedo is accurate that is......). Therefore, on a stock R3T with max HP at 5400 rpm and 5800 rpm redline, full blast acceleration shift points should be as follows:
1st to 2nd at 45-50 mph
2nd to 3rd at 70-75 mph
3rd to 4th at 95-100 mph
4th to 5th at 120-125 mph
A couple factors to consider however would be:
The overall speed limiter kicking in at 130 mph means you might as well stay in 4th since the 5800 rpm redline gets you to 131 mph in 4th anyway.
A somewhat early shift into 4th may be warranted due to the timing retard limiting power in the first three gears.
Or, just install GI pro with ATRE and go faster!!!:bch:
As the RPM's climb, and the torque gets replaced by horsepower, it's like a "let-down". I never thought I'd say something like this ..... but phooey on horsepower, I want more gear so I can stay in the torque curve longer. It's the "grunt" that turns me on these days, the rocket thrust-like pull it does before the RPM's even start to climb is where it's at for me. My hopped-up MINI has horse power, but is lacking that "Umph" feeling as the throttle is mashed. When you wind it up it goes like a bat out of hell, with the way it's geared and having a 6th gear to cruise in, you spend alot of time downshifting. Same with all the bikes I've had in the past, lot's of downshifting for the revs. An R3 with a 6th gear would be the greatest bike ever made! Hell, I bet it would cruise comfortably at 170mph while a Hyabusa would have to be buzzing like a hornet to maintain the same speed.
Triumph, please build me a 6 speed !!!! (Do you think they heard me?)
Another option would be to have a taller 5th gear cut.
I have actually talked with a local gear company about doing just that - 10-12% taller to drop cruise 300-360 rpm. Not enough to drop off the torque curve, but enough to be significant.
Better material, micro-polished, nitrided, and cryo-treated for efficiency and strength.
The problem is the cost and minimum order to keep set-up costs realistic. I am not sure if there is enough real demand.
Have a better star shifter and heavier spring produced at the same time - for MUCH improved shifting.