Maggie valley June 2019

Oh chit I do owe you big time. I forgot that was you. I’m confused your not.:ninja::ninja::ninja:. they are on the bike and look great. I did have to cut them to accept the Racetech shocks but it turned out super. Drinks on me mate.:thumbsup::thumbsup:

I have the same problem, so many people have given me stuff I can't always remember who gave me what.

Sonny all I will say is check what drink you are given, just saying as Mel is known for drinking some weird stuff .

Some of the cookies going around are known to be sketchy too.
You folks have fun. I'll check in from time to time. May post in Lady Liberty thread. Temporary as usual. Jay and Wendy, Clint and BillB, Mr Cox and Mulley, and Lupe can reach me if needed but I doubt that. Peace Out.
You folks have fun. I'll check in from time to time. May post in Lady Liberty thread. Temporary as usual. Jay and Wendy, Clint and BillB, Mr Cox and Mulley, and Lupe can reach me if needed but I doubt that. Peace Out.

Peace & chicken grease brother
We need to talk.
Currently Out on a 6 state ride.
I have some interesting possibilities for you.
Please PM me after Nov 1 to remind as I am Focused on this ride and will likely forget.
Oh dear, 'We need to talk' is what the Missus says when ever I'm in trouble...:whitstling::whitstling:
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