Maggie valley June 2019

  1. Rainman
  2. Stb
  3. Joseywales
  4. mully95
  5. Easttexr111+1
  6. Sonny
  7. Steel
  8. Scot in exile
  9. warp9.9
  10. mexican
  11. 1K9
  12. Tripps,, Dave, and Dan
  13. Frosty Rider
  14. Dr. D
  15. Smathersmith
  16. Spatkey59
  17. Rktnmypk 1 Indian, 1 Papoose, extra underwear
  18. Joesmoe + 1
  19. Triple Trouble +1
  20. Seabee
  21. Smathersfish
  22. Journeyman28778
  23. R3Tex
  24. Billb and Laurel
  25. Rocket Scientist,Tow, the Phoenix
  26. WBaumgartner + 1
  27. Bigfoot390 +1
  28. Viperman
  29. RNG3
  30. Gr3ywolf
  31. 1BigDog + Jean. (sorry Jim)
  32. TheKid
  33. Alpental
  34. Thewhingnut
  35. Ski
Well for those who have been there in June what kind of temperatures, weather should we expect, what kind of gear will you want to have available to wear?
After all @rainman started this thread:whitstling:

With all you fast and talented riders showing up I think I will just withdraw and ride my scooter to MV...would hate to get drawn into any speed challenges :D:D:D

With all you fast and talented riders showing up I think I will just withdraw and ride my scooter to MV...would hate to get drawn into any speed challenges :D:D:D

Yeah, you need to bring the Titanic, i know you can't ride more than 2 hours at the time on the Rocket or Harley, :whitstling::roll::roll: