Maggie valley June 2019

@Grumpy Ole Codger weren't you scheming and conniving early on to try to hop the pond for this one?
Hi @BillB , I am still trying to resolve a few work issues. I've recently got the new work schedule for the decommissioning and replacement of old System X rooms with BT exchanges. The schedule encompasses the whole of April through to October with only the bank holidays excluded. It is a new project, the trial site was last week in Dundee and was a resounding success. My problem is trying to change the schedule in June... Being the last in a long list my chances are few. If I cannot meet the schedule 100% there are others waiting in the side lines to take over. Missing a couple of weeks will give the replacement every chance to take over the remaining 4 months of the contract. This is one big disadvantage of running your own company and there only being 3 on the payroll.
Well... (FYI), I did reserve a room across the street at the Comfort Inn (The Holiday was full a long time ago). I booked the room just in case I decide to make RAA this year. I always like to scope out the weather forecast and make up my mind as the time to ride approaches. No afib episodes for well over a year, but it all depends on my mindset. I like options. If you see some old person walking over or riding in from across the street, it may or may not bedifferent. :rolleyes::):thumbsdown: Looks like I missed a good one last year. :roll:
I’m pretty sure I’ll just ride the bike and not trailer. I might could handle the 90 mile trip.:p
Hey @sonny what days do you plan on visiting the brewery’s in Asheville? If I can swing it I’d like to join you if you wouldn’t mind
0 oh the legs are fine I have been doing great . They're talkin about taking the whole thing out.
Then running two lines from my collarbone to my legs
Most worried about damage to blood supply 2 spine

I hate the Duke college basketball program but you're in one of the best medical facilities in the US of A. God's speed.
Thank you to all who wish me luck
I will try to stay positive and see you in June
I do not want to hijack this thread
But thank you again

Family. No hijackers if you're family Joey. Tell us whats going on. Get an approved diet list for me to work from.