I had two fancy cameras of which neither were mine this was one of them times when it was just easier for steel to throw a scrawny feller up on the roof
I had two fancy cameras of which neither were mine this was one of them times when it was just easier for steel to throw a scrawny feller up on the roof
I have the same conversation every year after an RAA with Dan or Dave or both:
You know, that's a really great bunch of people.:
Me: I know
No, you don't understand, I mean really great.
Me: I know
I mean really really great, that's unusual.
Me: I know
I have the same conversation every year after an RAA with Dan or Dave or both:
You know, that's a really great bunch of people.:
Me: I know
No, you don't understand, I mean really great.
Me: I know
I mean really really great, that's unusual.
Me: I know