Maggie valley June 2019

We have pissed a few people off over the years at RAA events because I/we did not wait for them to go riding. If you leave one/two/three hours late that is 1/2/3 hours less riding.

It all comes down to your priorities and reasons for coming to the event. If you like late night parties more than riding then have at it, I have no judgement against that. If riding is a priority then we will be up and ready to go on a full day. Make a choice and be happy.

During the hot months of July and August I am continually trying to get the riders to get up earlier and enjoy more of the cool temperatures but is it worse than pulling teeth.

I like a saying I heard as a kid growing up on a small farm, "your responsible for the your own fun".
Pretty sure 30 Rockets can wake almost anyone up. But hey if someone misses the depart time they can always try to catch up to the group at the lunch break as long as they know where it is.
"Time, Tide and Rockets wait for no man"?
Good point about hitting the "popular named" rides on a weekday to avoid weekend traffic.
Most everyone usally leaves around 8-9 in the morning
@sonny remember this not 1-2 in the afternoon

The sound of a herd of Rockets running through the hills is a beautiful thing. Worth making the run just for that alone.

The Dragon is something you have to do at least once in your life. Just not on a Saturday or Sunday.