I am pretty bummed. Planning to head to MV and Back of the Dragon for a week or better. This is all in jeopardy now. Last Saturday, I was at Blastfest in upper Wisconsin. A friend has a private range. We play games like tic tac toe and shoot dart targets with .45s. 12 gauge games too. One of the contest is putting a slug into 2 different targets using a 12 gauge in each shoulder, shooting simultaneously. (The barrel rest in a Y ******.) When I shot, I felt a little twinge in my lower back. Next morning my back was messed up. For the past week, I walk while I watch my shoes. I can now get upright after a couple minutes so it is getting better. Still planning to come tho. A friend is going to put a front tire on the Rocket for me tomorrow. I will know more by Wednesday.