I am pretty bummed. Planning to head to MV and Back of the Dragon for a week or better. This is all in jeopardy now. Last Saturday, I was at Blastfest in upper Wisconsin. A friend has a private range. We play games like tic tac toe and shoot dart targets with .45s. 12 gauge games too. One of the contest is putting a slug into 2 different targets using a 12 gauge in each shoulder, shooting simultaneously. (The barrel rest in a Y ******.) When I shot, I felt a little twinge in my lower back. Next morning my back was messed up. For the past week, I walk while I watch my shoes. I can now get upright after a couple minutes so it is getting better. Still planning to come tho. A friend is going to put a front tire on the Rocket for me tomorrow. I will know more by Wednesday.
I am pretty bummed. Planning to head to MV and Back of the Dragon for a week or better. This is all in jeopardy now. Last Saturday, I was at Blastfest in upper Wisconsin. A friend has a private range. We play games like tic tac toe and shoot dart targets with .45s. 12 gauge games too. One of the contest is putting a slug into 2 different targets using a 12 gauge in each shoulder, shooting simultaneously. (The barrel rest in a Y ******.) When I shot, I felt a little twinge in my lower back. Next morning my back was messed up. For the past week, I walk while I watch my shoes. I can now get upright after a couple minutes so it is getting better. Still planning to come tho. A friend is going to put a front tire on the Rocket for me tomorrow. I will know more by Wednesday.
Dang Ski hope you get to feeling better that's the most important thing.
For the past week, I walk while I watch my shoes. I can now get upright after a couple minutes so it is getting better.
This may sound a weird question - But - How is your shoulder mobility?.
Last year I twinged my lower back - was all manly about it - it was getting better after all - then managed to tear most of the muscles that keep you vertical by using them to compensate for the damaged ones. 3 months physio.
Thanks Warp! Shoulders are fine. I only shot the 2 shotguns once. Most everyone else was sore and black and blue the next day. One of the exercises I do involve raising off the floor like a pushup and slowly arching and crowning the back. No problem. My friend, Tony, is a PT for 13 years. He's about 25 miles away and has come here every other night to give me a hand and different stretching to do. Thankful for friends!!!
Some of the guys befor the fun started. The guy in the center is our Range Officer. E9 Gunners Mate with 34 years, still serving.


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