Headed that way. Should arrive late tonight. I'm bringing a newby so will make the obligatory trip to the dragon tomorrow and get that out of the way. Oh one other reason...since we are trailering I brought the speed triple :D.
Kick stands up around 9 or so at A Holiday Motel


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Doggone ! I'm so envious and bummed I'm still here. My boss is happy I'm doing my work, and geeze Louise it'll still be there next week.

Keep the photos coming, and rubber side down everyone, PLEASE.
Ya'll have a great riding weekend!Maggie always falls on my week to go and take my kids and grandkids to the beach as soon as school gets out here! And I'm SOOOO close! Ride safe , drink just below your limit, eat well and have fun!!!
Well @DaddyRabbit as they say, timing is everything in life.

Were you to start the thread next year, in January say, you would set the dates, and be there.

Just a thought.