Looking for a rack to carry my R3

I had a guy tell me about a rack with a wheel on the back to support the Weight of the bike. Have not found it, but was not looking really hard either.
Are you 100% sure about that? From the Ram website for the 3/4 and 1 tons:

The recommended tongue weight is between 10 percent and 15 percent of the gross trailer weight. However, the maximum tongue weight on Class III (the bumper ball) is limited to 500 pounds, and Class IV (the receiver hitch) to 1,200 pounds. Additionally, the GAWRs and GVWRs should never be exceeded.​

Either way, I would get a towable solution. If storage space is an issue, there are plenty of folding trailers available, such as the following, to name a couple:
I guess there's always this option, but it looks like such a recipe for disaster that I'm not even going to include a link:


Hummm? Why would this set up be a recipe for disaster?
From whet I have seen, loading and unloading seems to be the most dangerous set in trailering.
Certainly getting up on and down the pick up bed. Lots of funny YouTubes about that.
The bike has a car tire on it anyway. Trailer rental is expensive.