Looking for a rack to carry my R3

DON'T do that with your SHAFT!!!
Isn't there a very short trailer dolly version available about 3' long so weight fully supported on an axle and pair of wheels? Sure I saw a version in our forum threads, check out related threads posted below, if you click on enough links and then try the ones at the bottom of those you will find it eventually unless someone puts you out of your pain and posts earlier. .
Silly question- how do you get the bike up onto the truck - I have an l200 mitsubishi and that looks like it may work

Google "motorcycle flip into pickup" and you shall have the answer.
Silly question- how do you get the bike up onto the truck - I have an l200 mitsubishi and that looks like it may work

The ramp extends from bed of truck and 1 end drops to ground, you put the front tire into a wheel chock, a small winch than pulls the whole thing into bed. Add tie downs for travel and your done. Easy 1 person operation.

If you check either the MountainMaster or Rampage web sites they have videos of their lifts in operation.
Reese-Hitches.com | Trailer Hitches & Towing Accessories | 877-507-0711

Class V rated at 1200Lbs. As has been mentioned, the R3 weighing close enough to 1000Lb, the first decent bump and she'll be gone. The downward force of that kind of weight, even driving slowly over a bump, will far and away exceed the rating of the hitch. I paid $700 for a trailer solely for hauling the bike. When you look in your rear view mirror and see the transport truck rolling over what's left of your bike you'll think a trailer was a good investment.

Just my $0.02
Since 2003 for my vacations I've been carrying Gold Wings, HD Baggers, my Triumph Explorer and now my new-to-me R3 in the bed of my 2001 Chevy 1/2 ton pickup back and forth from British Columbia to (initially) San Diego and now since 2011 to my winter digs in Mesa, AZ. 10's of thousands of km's over the years. I bought one of these in 2003 (not my truck or photo)

Mine is silver, is very well made and folds in half to lay beside the sides of the bike while in transit AND/OR can fit behind me in my extended cab. I bought mine off their eBay website at a discount. It folds nicely out of the way when at home in the garage. I made a wooden chock for the bed of the truck for travel. Loading it isn't difficult because going forward and having your feet on the side ramps feels safe and when I take it out of the truck (wherever my destination is) I just look for a place where the trucking is angled down to the rear (at a curb or sidewalk at my motel) anywhere to reduce the angle of the ramp and I roll it back off. Going backwards takes a "little" guts the first few times but there is nearly always someone to assist. I've driven a few times to dealerships where they'll let one or more of their young employees help me as a courtesy to a rider. I'm 5'6" tall, 66 y.o. and have NEVER come close to dumping my bike. Maybe when I get old I won't be able to do it but so far it's worked great AND seeing your bike safely in the truckbed for a long distance is comforting!
Thanks for the post. I ended up getting one just like that.