Looking for a cheap solution for TuneEcu computer....

True - But when did you last see anybody Bikini-Wash a Mac? - Have to say I never had any functional issues with my Harley engines - but they pre-dated OS's. have I mentioned how much I hate electronics? :whitstling:
OK, you've got me there.
Android is indeed turning into quite a malware target....but Google is addressing the faults it discovers or is shown. And if you have Google's own Nexus devices you get security updates monthly. If you are depending on the phone company, you will be lucky to get any update in a years time, if you ever get any. They are actually hoping you will get a new phone instead. The irony is Google prices Nexus devices pretty aggressively for what you get, and you actually can afford to get a new one every year or so. And if you get Nexus phone, you need not be under contract so your phone bill can be less!
How safe you are with Android is also down to how safe hex you practice. If you go sideloading pirated software and rooting the device and whatnot, your chances go way way up of catching something nasty.

If you're just getting more well known apps off the play store your chances of getting something really nasty is quite low.
How safe you are with Android is also down to how safe hex you practice. If you go sideloading pirated software and rooting the device and whatnot, your chances go way way up of catching something nasty.

If you're just getting more well known apps off the play store your chances of getting something really nasty is quite low.

This is pretty true for any OS,

Unknown repositories for Linux can come up with some malware
Allowing Mac OS to install from anywhere can come up with malware
Obviously downloading unknown items in Windows can get your systems infected

The biggest saving grace for Mac and Linux is not a lot of people know how to add repositories to Linux or turn off the mac security to download and install unknown items.

If Microsoft increase UAC and security zones to equal Mac, the internet would be all ablaze with haters saying MS is too intrusive.
If my device will root with some degree of ease...it shall be rooted. There is simply NO reason that I cannot have full control over my devices...and I will accept the risks if any are inherent. For if I am savvy enough to root the thing, I ought to be wise enough to avoid side loading garbage. Though it's interesting...some of the most useful tools are as it happens only available by sideloading. Just make sure you have trustworthy sources. But by the same token, the Google Play store makes available quite a treasure trove of root related software.
I don't know what all the windoze app does do, so I am not sure what would be missing in the Android App. I do think that the Android App is not as fully functional but any missing functionality could be added over time. The author does update the app from time to time. But the Android App does what I need to do...installing and extracting tunes, and adjusting a few things. I can assure you I am violently and thoroughly opposed to Microsoft and am willing to do without some functionality to avoid using a Microsoft product...it just ain't knowingly going to happen.

And here I thought I was the only one that loved them like that!
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