Looking for a cheap solution for TuneEcu computer....

You can run windoze on a Mac, either natively, with dual boot, or with Parallels, but honestly if you are breaking with Microsoft...break completely. They are like crack and you have to quit entirely. For TunECU a cheap Android tablet is fine, and better than a phone for us over 50, since we can actually SEE what the tablet says! Death to Microsoft!:evil:
One of the posts here said that TuneEcu for android is limited to downloading and uploading maps. Have you found a way around this?
As a guy who works with computers day in and day out, I can safely say that this is hyperbole. Windows 10 may have a little too much "call home" going on, but it's a fine PC operating system.

As for how DOS and then Windows became and remained dominant, that's squarely down to backwards compatibility. Plus, there is no corporate computing solution that beats the Microsoft array of Exchange, Outlook, and Office and so on.

macOS is a fine OS, no question, but there are still far plenty of reasons to use Windows. Not least the fact that if you want to run games, a mac is borderline useless, and lots of people game at home.
Was trying to be careful, but clearly hit a nerve. My apologies, I wasn't intending to start a "Ford vs Chevy" war. I work for General electric. A small company out of Schenectady NY :roll:. GE has been moving away from Windows for some time now, but it's like trying to turn an aircraft carrier, a very slow process. Compatibility, as you say, being the primary detractor. For their important systems, they use MacOS, Linux, and Unix primarily, and are letting the windows systems die. The application, as you implied, dictates the OS.
One of the posts here said that TuneEcu for android is limited to downloading and uploading maps. Have you found a way around this?

I don't know what all the windoze app does do, so I am not sure what would be missing in the Android App. I do think that the Android App is not as fully functional but any missing functionality could be added over time. The author does update the app from time to time. But the Android App does what I need to do...installing and extracting tunes, and adjusting a few things. I can assure you I am violently and thoroughly opposed to Microsoft and am willing to do without some functionality to avoid using a Microsoft product...it just ain't knowingly going to happen.
I wasn't intending to start a "Ford vs Chevy" war.
Spoilsport. I have worked in IT since 1980. And was using big ICL mainframes 4 years before that.
Sadly I am good at it because I hate the bloody things. I wanted to work with LASERs.

Apple survives by isolating their users much like Harley does. Microsoft Survives by assisting hardware mfrs with drivers that are not fully "principles of Operation" compliant. IBM did it too.
When the Linux and Android kernels merge (it's planned) - then I feel one should ditch certain stocks and shares.

You either buy into it OR don't. Personally I'm waiting to see what happens when Microsoft starts charging for updates - Schhhhhhhhhhhh.
Apple survives by isolating their users much like Harley does.
....Only Macs focus on remaining functional and reliable for many years, as well as providing free OS updates for the life of the machine. Harley does none of that! Not a very good comparison. ;)
Was trying to be careful, but clearly hit a nerve. My apologies, I wasn't intending to start a "Ford vs Chevy" war.

Naah, I'm not worked up or anything, I just don't really agree with your assessment. :) Windows is a pretty decent OS, and Microsoft's security department is hugely better than Apples - mainly because Windows has been under concerted attack for literally decades now since it's by far the largest target. I'm by no means a Windows diehard or anything, would much rather use Linux or FreeBSD or macOS at home - if I wasn't into gaming.

I will admit that Windows 10 is a bit worrisome, and the push to funnel everything through Microsoft's app store as universal Windows apps is also scary. Maybe they'll bite off more than they can chew and Linux can finally get a word in edgewise on the desktop also, in addition to merely dominating on the server end.
mostly runs slower and the fans kick on when Parallels is running.

The issue is most likely a shortage of memory, keep in mind when you run Parallels you're "running a second computer on your computer". Well, CPU power can also factor in.
....Only Macs focus on remaining functional and reliable for many years, as well as providing free OS updates for the life of the machine. Harley does none of that! Not a very good comparison. ;)
True - But when did you last see anybody Bikini-Wash a Mac? - Have to say I never had any functional issues with my Harley engines - but they pre-dated OS's. have I mentioned how much I hate electronics? :whitstling: