looking at a new Roadster 2013

Aussie dollar's dropping fast. Watch prices go back up. If you're thinking of buying, do it soon.
Tony, you got a bargain.

Yep, bought it sight unseen. I told dealer that was the price I could pay. Rang me two days later and agreed to the price. Dealer needed to move it. Just lucky
Davo how is yours going?
Ok here is where I am at, I can get a 2013 plate roadster in gloss black and red stripes, with a Touring Dual Gel Seat with Adjustable Rider Backrest, Tall sissy Bar rear (includes luggage rack Sissy bar badge Sissy Back Rest Pad and fittings) and Chrome Front Engine Bars and includes all fitting.
- The price for everything is: $23000 ride away.
How does that sound compared to the mainland? any one else have a similar set up? Cheers Pete

I'll find out for you.
G'day mate, spoke to the dealer and works out that by the time you transport it and muck around with towing it to get reg extra you'll only save a few hundred dollars. He says you are better off paying the little extra and being on good terms with your local dealer cause if you need them they'll give you better service and deals if you've bought through them.

Sounds like the deal you've got is the best option for you mate.
Davo how is yours going?
Ok here is where I am at, I can get a 2013 plate roadster in gloss black and red stripes, with a Touring Dual Gel Seat with Adjustable Rider Backrest, Tall sissy Bar rear (includes luggage rack Sissy bar badge Sissy Back Rest Pad and fittings) and Chrome Front Engine Bars and includes all fitting.
- The price for everything is: $23000 ride away.
How does that sound compared to the mainland? any one else have a similar set up? Cheers Pete

Hey Pete sorry I missed this post, My Roadster is my new love, I've only had the chance to do a few hundred K's on her so far but have loved every one. I got mine second hand so I can't really comment on the price but it does sound like a fair deal. I need to do some shopping my self for some luggage options.
Good luck with it all mate.
G'day mate, spoke to the dealer and works out that by the time you transport it and muck around with towing it to get reg extra you'll only save a few hundred dollars. He says you are better off paying the little extra and being on good terms with your local dealer cause if you need them they'll give you better service and deals if you've bought through them.

Sounds like the deal you've got is the best option for you mate.

Thanks for all your help and time mate, its great to think that the only connection we have is bikes and yet there are so many offers for assistance on this forum, its really fantastic!
I have sent you an email.
Cheers, Pete
Mate, this is Melbourne...most of their clients are wogs, the owners of Peter Stevens are wogs and I'm a wog...what else is their to drink?

P.s. for our Yankee mates, a wog is a "guinie" or a virus. In this case "Italian "

Nowra motor cycles has coffee.... Instant ..... Better than nothing I guess...they had a change in management last year the old manager used to offer me a coffee every time I walked in after buying my bike eventually it became help yourself to a cup if you want