looking at a new Roadster 2013

Davo how is yours going?
Ok here is where I am at, I can get a 2013 plate roadster in gloss black and red stripes, with a Touring Dual Gel Seat with Adjustable Rider Backrest, Tall sissy Bar rear (includes luggage rack Sissy bar badge Sissy Back Rest Pad and fittings) and Chrome Front Engine Bars and includes all fitting.
- The price for everything is: $23000 ride away.
How does that sound compared to the mainland? any one else have a similar set up? Cheers Pete
Davo how is yours going?
Ok here is where I am at, I can get a 2013 plate roadster in gloss black and red stripes, with a Touring Dual Gel Seat with Adjustable Rider Backrest, Tall sissy Bar rear (includes luggage rack Sissy bar badge Sissy Back Rest Pad and fittings) and Chrome Front Engine Bars and includes all fitting.
- The price for everything is: $23000 ride away.
How does that sound compared to the mainland? any one else have a similar set up? Cheers Pete
Welcome Pete from another fellow Aussie, My father lives in Woodbridge not that far from you I am hoping to be back over there next year to check up on my dad might have set up a meet over a coffee or drink, been around Tassie twice now since owning the Rocket, best bike I have ever owned in 37 years of riding and that price sounds pretty dam good if you ask me but I ain't no expert
Welcome Pete ... If they have to order it i reckon its not too bad a deal , they seem to have off loaded all the 2011 models which were going out for 20 grand ride away , the new price i believe is going to be $22990 , at my local dealer , but they are not even ordering one in till they get rid of a 2013 model they have sat there , which is the black one with engine restrictions .

The new one red and black unrestricted , at 23 ride away with the extras threw in seems like a good deal .. If he's already got it on the showroom floor , You may has well be cheeky and ask for a set of bags has well ,, if he says no ask for the first service free .. If he still says no buy it , its not a bad buy , i think it will be a while before the price comes down , and it probably will seems to have happened with the last 3 triumphs i bought ..

But why wait it might not happen
Hi my name is Pete and I live in Australia and I am just doing some reading before buying. I have been riding for about 40 years now, my brother had a classic back in 09 and it was nice to ride but he turns over bikes ever 2 years so we never did see how the reliability of the panned out. When it was sold it only have 7000 klms on it.
Any feedback would be welcome.
Cheers Pete
I have 30,000 on my 2005 R3...never any issues...except that rear tire wears out a bit often...could be a wrist issue?
Welcome Pete from another fellow Aussie, My father lives in Woodbridge not that far from you I am hoping to be back over there next year to check up on my dad might have set up a meet over a coffee or drink, been around Tassie twice now since owning the Rocket, best bike I have ever owned in 37 years of riding and that price sounds pretty dam good if you ask me but I ain't no expert
That sound great I would like to catch up and go for a ride, I often go fishing around that way, its a nice place to live. Its amazing how may rocket owners come down to Tassie which is good as the dealer in Hobart hasn't sold one in the last 3 years and hasn't had any in stock, mine will be the first one in that time and he has to order it in. I think that price is pretty good as it costs him nearly $600 to get it across the pond which he has to add on to his costs, and there is not much mark up on them.
Cheers Pete
Davo how is yours going?
Ok here is where I am at, I can get a 2013 plate roadster in gloss black and red stripes, with a Touring Dual Gel Seat with Adjustable Rider Backrest, Tall sissy Bar rear (includes luggage rack Sissy bar badge Sissy Back Rest Pad and fittings) and Chrome Front Engine Bars and includes all fitting.
- The price for everything is: $23000 ride away.
How does that sound compared to the mainland? any one else have a similar set up? Cheers Pete

Thats $1500.00 less than mine was in Brisbane in November 2010. The only extra on mine was the small Roadster screen.
mine was a '12 plated '13 for $22, 600. i got 2 new helmets and the first service gratis

As soon as I rode it out one of those new one's that looks like it's got a skunk for a fuel tank suddenly appeared in its place!