looking at a new Roadster 2013

Thanks everyone for the feed back its always great to hear, I live in Tassie so they don't even have one for me to ride of even look at and the new ones are not even available for about a month yet. The local bike shop in Hobart has not sold a rocket for about 3 years now so there's not many about down this way.
I wouldn't be surprised if my brothers was the last one he sold. Living in Tassie does have its advantages though it has some of the best bike roads in Australia :D
Tassies just beautiful ,there's a couple of Owners down there mate. Done three trips around the island, last time on the Rocket just after I got it. Another lap is on the cards that's for sure. Got friends down at Birches Bay , not too far from the worlds greatest oyster stash :D me and my mate Pete raid it every time i'm down there. If global warming actually starts to warm the joint up we'd live there no worries.
My lady is from Hobart. We get down there regularly and I'd have to agree that it is one of the most scenic places you could hope to ride :)
Probably .. i'm getting older a lot quicker than the planets warming .. :eek:

Best slow that aging bit down, TC! I can relate, though, as I recently turned, uhh, er, 60 years of age:eek:) Aren't you mean ole' alley cats supposed to have 9 lives, though?;)

"Uhh, yeah, Phil, but each life only spans about 9 years!"
G'day Pete,

I get mine Thursday, I'm far less experienced a rider then your self but after I'd had a ride I fell in love. It's taken me 3 years to get the money together but finally the wait is almost over, I just hope my Scrambler (Black Sally) doesn't get to jealous. Hope to catch up once you get yours.

Hi TC, I live in Huonville so not to far away from Birches Bay let me know when you come down next and I will show you some oysters :D .
Mal, I love fishing I just sold my 6.5m boat, I also collect fly reels and bait casters, I would love to catch up and maybe do some fishing as well as some riding.
Mr Hunt when you come over next let me know if you like and we can go for a ride!
Davo keep my updated on your new ride, I am going in to town on Thursday to see what deal I can do on one.
Thanks for the great welcome everyone I look forward to meeting the ones I can.
Cheers Peter
Hi TC, I live in Huonville so not to far away from Birches Bay let me know when you come down next and I will show you some oysters :D .
Mal, I love fishing I just sold my 6.5m boat, I also collect fly reels and bait casters, I would love to catch up and maybe do some fishing as well as some riding.
Mr Hunt when you come over next let me know if you like and we can go for a ride!
Davo keep my updated on your new ride, I am going in to town on Thursday to see what deal I can do on one.
Thanks for the great welcome everyone I look forward to meeting the ones I can.
Cheers Peter

let us know what deal you can get as we may be able to get you a good deal on the mainland and send it down to you on the ferry. Im happy to look into it for ya if i can be of any help.